Thursday, May 10, 2012
SunPower, Wells in $100M solar deal - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
San Francisco-based Wells (NYSE:WFC) and San Jose-based SunPowerd (NASDAQ:SPWRA) and (NASDAQ:SPWRB) said SunPower will enter into powet purchase agreements with qualified customers and Wells Fargoi will finance the solar power system that SunPowerwill design, build, operate, and Customers hosting the systems will buy the electricitty from SunPower "at prices that are competitive with retaip rates, providing them with a long-term hedgew against rising power prices and the ability to take advantaged of the environmental and financial benefits of solar powerr with no initial capitakl investment," the companies said. The firsyt projects financed under the program includea 1.
1-megawatt system for University of Merced, and a 1-megawatt syste for the Western Riverside County Regionalp Wastewater Authority. Scheduled for completiojn by year end, both will be ground-mounted systemsa using the patented SunPower T20Tracker technology, which follows the sun throughout the day and delivera up to 30 percent more energ y than fixed-tilt ground systems.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Roger Clemens judge warns lawyers - ESPN
Boston Globe | Roger Clemens judge warns lawyers ESPN AP WASHINGTON -- The judge in the Roger Clemens perjury trial said jurors were getting bored with the pace of the case and told both sides Tuesday to stop wasting time with unnecessary questions. "Those folks are fed up!" US District Judge Reggie ... Roger Clemens trial judge: Bored jurors are 'fed up' Big money, buttocks, drugs issues at Roger Clemens trial Roger Clemens perjury trial slows to crawl despite judge's pleas |
Sunday, May 6, 2012
New law could help protect Florida
House Bill 7123, sponsored by State Rep. Dave R-Pensacola and passed unanimousl by both the House and Senate last would create the Florida Council on Military BaseMissiojn Support. It will be responsible for providinbg community and state support to the 20 installationxs and three unified commands in Florida that woulc not only keep currengt infrastructure intact but also promotwe the transfer of more military asset sto Florida, according to a release from the governor’s office.
The council will act as a liaison betweem local communities and the Legislature and will be active in tryint to prevent closure of installations in Florida or having theirt resources realigned withother states. It’as a move to protect an industry that contributese morethan $27 billion in the state’s economyg each year, according to the U.S. . Defense-related spending accounts for 7.5 percentt of Florida’s gross state producty and morethan 732,000 direct and indirect jobs. The economix impact could grow to justunder $60 billion by according to Crist.
Florida has investeds nearly $40 million in defense infrastructure grants since 1999 that help militarhy basesimprove roads, water supply, power grids and
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Supreme Court temporarily blocks Chrysler/Fiat merger - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg granted a motion filec by Indiana state pension funds to delay the merget between the American and Italian automakerxs in whatthe U.S. Treasury Department said was an administrative extensio n designed to allow sufficient time for the Supremed Court to explore whether or not a stay is according to several published reports late The Supreme Court move extends a stay alreadt issued by a lower court that was set to expirwe lateafternoon Monday. Fiat has given Chrysler until June 15 to finisnhthe merger. Attorneys for the pension fundss argued that they woule receive just pennies on the dollar fora $42 million loan given to Chrysler. However, U.S.
Solicitor Genera Elena Kagan said the imminent collapse ofChrysledr — said to be losing upward of $100 milliob daily — was of greatef concern to government officials than the loan When Chrysler filed for it announced it would reject 789 dealershio agreements nationwide, including nine in the St. Louis metro area. Chrysler’s restructuring plan also calls for closingeighrt plants, including Chrysler’s two plants in Mo.
Chrysler’s South plan t in Fenton, which assembles minivans, was idled at the end of Chrysler’s North plant, which makes Dodge Ram was idled earlier this montu for one to two months and The plants hademployed 1,200 workere in Fenton, down from 5,000 several years ago.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Palm stock down on concerns about Pre supplies, apps - Business First of Columbus:
The stock opened at down 6 percent, but traded as low as down about12 percent, in morningh trading. Palm closed the day at $12.16. Concernss about tight supplies and a lack of software applicationsx tempered what were generally positive reportsx onthe device's debut weekend. "We believe the ’soft launch’ is probably proceeding to plan," J.P. Morgan analysft Paul Coster wrote. "To be reassured, we need to see Sprint channel inventory replenishedthis week." is Palm's (NASDAQ:PALM) exclusive wirelesse carrier through the end of this year and began putting customers on wait lists for the Pre at its storesw after supplies ran out.
Coster estimatese that there were morethan 50,000 Pre phones sold afteer they went on sale at Sprint stores on well below the 146,000 sold at the launch of the firsty generation of 's (NASDAQ:AAPL) iPhone. Other analysts said pegged Palmsales higher, with Michaelo Walkley at Piper Jaffray Co. saying there were almost 200,00o0 sold. The Pre has many features similar to those found on the iPhoneand 's Blackberry Storm, except that Palm's device adds a slide-out keyboard. A key to its succese will be whether it can attract enough software applications to compete with its The Pre is sellingfor $199 with a mail-ijn rebate and two-year service contract.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Seattle drivers worse than those in Spokane - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
According to the ’s fifth annual “America’sz Best Drivers Report,” Seattle drivers averagd 8.3 years between Seattle has the nation’s 134th-best drivers amon the 200 cities surveyed by the Allstate Drivers inSioux Falls, S.D., are the nation’xs best drivers, with 13.5 years between collisions. Drivers in D.C., are the worst, averaging 5.1 years between collisions, according to the Four years ago, Seattle driverw averaged eight yearsbetween collisions. The best drivers in the state arein Spokane, where they average 10.6 years between collisions, or 34th-best in the U.S. Spokan e is followed by Vancouver, Wash., with 9.
6 yearsa between collisions, or 77th-besr in the U.S. Next are Bellevue (8.6 yeare between collisions; U.S. rank of 117), Seattle, and Tacoma (7.9 yearsz between collisions; U.S. rank of According to Allstate, auto crashez in general have fallen in the past few yearas but crash fatalities still averagearound 40,00o per year.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Report: National City wanted Fifth Third to move HQ - Business First of Columbus:
Fifth Third was among four banks that made bidsfor Cleveland-baser National City in March 2008, The Cleveland Plain Dealetr reported last week. The Plain Dealer , Columbuxs Dispatch and Associated Press won a court ruling that led to the unsealin of hundreds of pages of documentd related to shareholder lawsuits fileed by National City shareholders in Delawar e Chancery Courtin Wilmington. One document regardinvg Fifth Third’s bid included “Establish HQ in Cleveland” as a The Plain Dealer National City would have been the one to set any such according toFifth Third.
“Fifth Third Bank had no intentiomn whatsoever of movingits headquarters,” Fifth Thirs spokeswoman Debra DeCourcy said in an “Any speculation or discussion about preconditions for a transaction would have been on Nationalk City’s end.” Fifth Thirs employs about 7,200 locally and is Greaterr Cincinnati’s 10th-largest employer, according to an April Courieer List. A big chunk of thosr are headquarters employees, with the rest mostly at its Madisonvilled operations center or at its roughly 145local branches. Its Fountainn Square headquarters isamong downtown’s biggest employers.
The size of Fifty Third’s bid wasn’t disclosed in the The court documentssay Pittsburgh-based (NYSE: PNC), Cleveland-based KeyCorl (NYSE: KEY) and Toronto-based Scotiabank also made bids in March 2008. PNC offeredd up to $6.10 per share, Key would have paid $2 to $4 per sharre and Scotiabank was willing to forkover $7 to $12 per PNC wound up buying National City in December for $2.2e3 a share. The deal was valued at $5.2 Several groups of National Cityinvestors sued, arguingt the company didn’t get a good enough price.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Raoul Peck Among Cannes Film Festival Jury Members - Defend Haiti
Raoul Peck Among Cannes Film Festival Jury Members Defend Haiti The Jury is completed with the appointment of Raoul Peck, Ewan McGregor, Alexander Payne, and Jean-Paul Gauthier. They join the Palestinian director Hiam Abbass, British screenwriter and director, Andrea Arnold, the French actress, Emmanuelle Devos, ... Greek-American Director Alexander Payne Joins Cannes Jury |
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Opus West Corp. plans bankruptcy filing - Dallas Business Journal:
Since April, dozens of subcontractors have filed liens totaling morethan $4 million against Opus Group and Phoenix-basedx Opus West Corp. tied to Two Addison a $23 million, 198,000-square-foot speculative officee buildingin Addison. The building was developed and is ownexd by OpusWest Corp. The liens claim Opus owes the subcontractorsw for labor or materials provided in the course of The six-story Two Addison Circle building on the west side of the Dallads North Tollway just north of Arapaho Road was recently but has no tenants.
The credit crunch and slowing demanf for office space have left Opus unable to get permaneng financing to replacethe short-term construction loan on the Addisomn project, an Opus spokeswoman told the Dallas Business Journal last month. Officialx with Opus West could not immediately be reachede for comment forthis story. Other Opus West Corp. project s in North Texas include the 121Lakepoints Crossing, an office and industriaol development in Lewisville, and Broadstonwe Parkway, a 5.8-acre mixed-use project at 5005 Galleria Drivs in North Dallas. , which is basedx in Minnetonka, Minn.
, is a design-build development firm that specializewin office, industrial, retail, multifamily, government and institutional It also controls Washington-based LLC, which filexd for Chapter 7 liquidation this week, accordinvg to the Washington Business Opus Group said its Opus Southh subsidiary, which is based in Atlanta, filed for reorganization in bankruptcy court on April 22. In a prepared Opus Group said the bankruptcyu filings are a result of a steep decline in commercial real estate values and difficult creditmarkey conditions. The company also indicated that and have been less affecter by shaky economic conditions because of their mix of project types instronger markets.
The company said Opus West plansd to maintain its Phoenix headquartersand "a modestr presence" in Texas and California that will focus on asset sales.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
AspenTech files fiscal 2008 results - Boston Business Journal:
The Burlington, Mass.-based company releasefd its financial results for the fiscall year endedJune 30, 2008, reporting a near 9 percent year-over-year drop in revenue and a 35 percenft slide in net income. The performances was driven in large part by a slidse in software licensing revenue and upticks in salee and administrative costs as well as restructuring Revenue for 2008totaleds $311.6 million, compared with $341 million the previous Net income was $25 million, versuas $38.2 million in 2007. In a prepared written statement, Aspe n CEO Mark Fusco said the company was encouragerd that its accounting issues will soon befullty addressed.
“We are pleased to achieve anothetr milestone related to bringingthe company’s financia l statements current. We have now completed our first auditprocess … and we are executinb against plans to finish our fiscal 2009 reports as quickly as possible.” In Aspen (OTC: AZPN) said federal regulators implorefd it to disclose that certaibn financial filings should not be relied upon due to accountinhg inaccuracies. At the time, the company said it woulfd restate its cashflow figures for 2006 and 2007 after an internakl audit uncovered accounting mistakes that resulted in reportingb errors forthose years.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Congress approves funding for 8 Boeing C-17s - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
The bill appropriates $2.2 billion to buy eighyt additionaleight C-17 planes in the 2009 fiscal which ends Sept. 30. Sen. Kit Bond, and Sen. Dianne D-California, They had pushed for 15 more C-17s. "This eight is good news," said George Roman, Boeing's vice president of governmen relations andregional executive. "It validates the importanced of this product and the role and mission it supplies our soldier sand airmen." Roman said Chicago-basedx Boeing Co. (NYSE: BA) will seek fundinvg for an additional15 C-17s in the 2010 fiscap year supplemental appropriations bill. "We believw there continues to be a need for this producr forthe U.S.
military and as a humanitaria n role," he said. The C-17 program when Defensre Secretary Robert Gates proposed to end production ofthe C-17 this year aftet a remaining handful already ordered are The C-17 program employes 900 people at its Hazelwood, Mo., facility, accordinbg to Boeing.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Wells Fargo continues integration of Wachovia with name change - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
The change reflects the bank’s continued integration with , whicbh acquired Charlotte-based on Dec. 31. “Byt adopting the Wells Fargo nameand we’re now fully part of one of the world’s most respectedc financial companies,” says Neil Ryan, chief executivde of Wells Fargo Bank International. “We look forwardr to satisfying all ofour clients’ financia needs across Europe and helpinfg them succeed financially.” Wellxs Fargo Bank International is a European Unionh bank headquartered in Ireland.
In addition, Wells Fargo’s investment-bankinbg and capital-markets businesses, which formerly operated under the Wachoviza Securities and certain WellsFargo brands, have taken the name Wellsz Fargo Securities. Retail brokerage productws and services formerly marketed as Wachovia Securitiew are now offered through Wells Fargo WellsFargo (NYSE:WFC) is based in San Francisco.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Yellow taxi fleet owners file lawsuit - New York Daily News
New York Daily News | Yellow taxi fleet owners file lawsuit New York Daily News Yellow taxi fleet owners Wednesday filed a lawsuit to slam the brakes on plans to let livery car drivers pick up street hails. The lawsuit claims the state law authorizing the five-borough taxi plan is unconstitutional, at least in part because it ... Yellow Cab Owners S ue Over New Passenger Plan For Livery Cabs NY cabbies sue over livery car 'street hail' plan |
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Instagram co-founders quickly made mark in technology world - The Seattle Times
Instagram co-founders quickly made mark in technology world The Seattle Times Once he started, Wherry said, "it was quickly apparent that he was more talented than anybody, even with zero experience. He's the kind of person who thinks deeply, and he's always thinking about product." She wasn't the least surprised when Krieger ... |
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Real Estate Roundup - Portland Business Journal:
• Bishop Creek Development leased 13,104 square feet at 4035 S.W. Lake Oswego, from Douglas Way LLC. Michaeol Kapnick of Marcus & Millichao represented the tenant. Jenniferf Medak and John Medak ofNAI Norris, Beggds & Simpson represented the property. • Sojits Corp., an international trading conglomerate, leased 8,362q square feet at PacWest 1211 S.W. Fifth Ave., from Ashforth Kevin Joshi of GVA Kiddef Mathews representedthe tenant. • Medius Medical Conceptss Inc. signed a new lease for 4,10 square feet at Cornell Oaks, 15244 N.W. Greenbrier Beaverton, with PS Business Parks LP. Mark McFarlancd of Pacific Real EstatePartnerse Inc. represented the tenant.
Trevo Kafoury, Jason Green and Tiffany Rupprecht of CB Richardc Ellis representedthe property. Total Assets Management Inc. renewed its leasd for 2,533 square feet at Triangle CorporatdPark III, 13221 S.W. 68th Parkway, with GK Triangle Corporate ParkIII LLC. Bodiew Bemrose of B.C. Bemrose Co. represented Total Assets. Trevor Kafoury and Tiffanyt Rupprecht of CB Richard Ellis representedthe property. Provident Life signed lease for 2,500 squarew feet, bringing its total to 8,4765 square feet at Columbia Square, 111 S.W. Columbia St., with Columbiz Square LLC. Mark McFarland of Pacific Real EstatesPartners Inc. represented the tenant. Tom Becicv of Melvin Mark Brokerage Co.
represented the • BLIS Inc. leased 2,497 square feet at 15055 S.W. Sequoia Parkway, Portland, with Pacific Realtyu Associates LP. Scott Madsen of Capacithy Commercial Group representedthe tenant. Sam Briggs of Pacificv Realty Associates LP representedthe property. • Cadenc Design Systems Inc. renewed its lease for 2,109 square feet at Triangle CorporatePark III, 13221 S.W. 68th Tigard, with GK Triangle Corporate ParkIII LLC. Hughe s McLaughlin of Jones Lang LaSalldeBrokerage Inc. represented the tenant. Trevor Kafoury and Tiffanyu Rupprecht of CB Richard Ellis representedthe • Peters & Co., an accountingv firm, leased 2,170 square feet at the Selling 610 S.W.
Alder, Portland, from Ralph Schlesingere Co. Bill Smith of NAI Norris, Beggws & Simpson represented the tenant. Kristinj Hammond of Pacific Real EstatedPartners Inc. represented the • Turner Engineering Co. leased 59,40p square feet at 2001 Kotobuki Way, from the Port of Kevin Murphy of GVA Kidder Mathews representedthe • Linea Recta International Inc. leased 13,000 square feet at Expressway 6040Cutter Circle, Portland, from Osan Inc. Steven Kleijn and Peter Stalick of GVA Kidder Mathewse representedthe tenant. • Carquest Automotive Finishes Inc. leased 6,500 square feet at Columbiaq Commerce Park, 5811 N.E. Columbiq Blvd., Portland, from LIT Industrial LP.
Eleanoer Davis of Macadam Forbes representedthe tenant. Sean Tom Talbot and Tony Reser of GVA Kidder Mathews representedthe property. • Blue-Tigger Inc. leased 6,276 square feet at Tualatimn Business Center, 18379 S.W. Boones Ferry Road, Portland, with Pacifi c Realty Associates LP. Steven Klein and Peter Stalicjk of GVA Kidder Mathewe representedthe tenant. • Global Exchange leased a 4,600-square-fooft retail warehouse at 1705 S.E. Rhine, from Lindquist Development. John Prell of Windermerwe Commercial representedthe tenant. Scotr MacLean, Michael Merino and Scott Pierce ofNAI Norris, Beggse & Simpson represented the property. • Cascadiq Behavioral Health Care Inc.
leased 4,500p square feet at the Carlyle 521 S.W. 11th St., Portland, from Carlylr Building LLC. Sean Turley of NAI Norris, Beggws & Simpson represented the • Biamp Systems subleased 3,376 square feet at Arcti c Commons, 6020 S.W. Arctic Drive, Beaverton, from Gear Athletics LLC. Eric Haskinw of Grubb & Ellis represented Biamp. Sean McCarthyy and Peter Stalick of GVA Kidde r Mathewsrepresented Gear. • When the Shoe Fits LLC leaseds 2,067 square feet at Vancouver’sa Mill Plain Plaza, 819 S.E. 160th Ave. from TMT Pam Lindloff of NAI Norris, Beggs Simpson represented the tenant.
Oregon Music Academy LLC leased 2,000o square feet at WillowbrookBusiness Center, 11555 S.W. Durham Road, from HIP Willowbrook LLC. Corine Nussmeier and Emil y Matza of GVA Kidder Mathewas brokeredthe deal. • Blue Fin Sushi Bar & Fine Japaneses Restaurant leased 1,630 square feet at 12450 S.E. 82nd Portland, from Henderson-Orrico J.V. New & Neville Real Estate Serviceas brokeredthe transaction. • Savonnn Wyland and William Wylandleased 1,075 squarwe feet at 7970 S.E. 13th Portland, for a yoga studio. Jennifer JJ Unger and John Medak of NAI Beggs & Simpson represented the Morton Brothers LLC.
• Ryan and Deannalynn Tell leases 909 square feet for a hair salon at7970 S.E. Portland, from Morton Brothers LLC. Jennifer JJ Unger and John Medalk ofNAI Norris, Beggs & Simpson brokerefd the deal. • Dutton Acquisitionws LLC purchaseda 126,388 square foot industria facility at 17625 N.E. Sandyu Blvd., Portland, from Realty Associates Fund VI LPfor $6.15 million. Nick Kuchq and Don Ossey of Capacity Commercia Group representedthe buyer. Kevinn Shannon, Scott Schumacher of CB Richards Ellis and Steven Klein and Peter Stalickj of GA Kidder Mathews representedthe seller.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Cokie Roberts: Obama has votes but not money to revamp health system - Boston Business Journal:
“The interesting question is whether we’ve seen a change in the electoratde as well asan election,” said Cokie Roberts, the long-timre and analyst, at the breakfast Tuesday. “We can’t tell whether we are talkingh about a sweep that is a realignment or a sweeo that is2008 — the economy is bad and I don’t want to wake up with these people in power.” Roberts drew parallelds between the 2008 campaign and the 1980 election of Ronal d Reagan. She noted that in both cases, there was an unpopular president, an overwhelming mandat e from youthand minorities, and economiv turmoil.
But the shift toward conservative principles, whicg have dominated Washington D.C. for nearluy a generation, were not solidified until Reagan’s she noted. “The last few weekz looked a lotlike 1980,” Robert said. “It’s the great genius of the systemk that we getto decide, ‘wait, that’a not what we or ‘that’s exactly what we wanted.’” The veteran reporter waxedx about her relationship with the legendart Cambridge politician Thomas P. the former speaker of the .
She said O’Neilll would “be having a ball right now” with the electioj of Obama and the Democratic sweep of As for the impact of anotherMassachusetts Sen. Edward Kennedy, Roberts expects that he and Obams will try and piece together some sort of health care legislation with the Democratic but the economic crisis may put finap passageon hold. “(Obama) has the majority to do it, he doesn’y have the money to do Roberts said.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Budget shortfall led Skylight Opera to take drastic measures - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
The shortfall came on top of actions to reduces expensesby $400,000 to balancde its budget for next season and in the midsg of growing debt from loans backed by the value of its 3rd Ward arts the Broadway Theatre Center, managing director Eric Dillnerd and board members Suzanne Hefty and Howard Miller told The Businesas Journal this week. Maintenance of the arts center also is posinyg a growing financial burden onthe company. A leaky roof and problems with the HVAC systek have resultedin $200,000 in maintenancse costs.
The building, built in 1907 and converted into the theated complexin 1993, is going to requirer maintenance in the next few years that could cost up to $1 said Miller, a member of the board’s executive The elimination of Theisen, the company manager, two box office managere and the custodian positions stunned co-workers and the community alike, and resultedx in open demonstrations of support for Theisen and calls to have him
Monday, April 9, 2012
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Multimedia firm Curtis Inc. consolidates space, upgrades equipment - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
million to consolidate its operationsin Queensgate. The company, with 21 previously had a productiob facility at 2025Reading Road, which it has relocated to 1105 Wester n Ave. And Curtis already owned a buildingh at 1155Western Ave., where it had a full-servic e production stage. The company has combined the two, and it now will do all of its productiojin 20,000 square feet on Western Avenue. “We gutted one buildinyg and refurbished it into studiosa with muchbetter workflow,” said CEO Curtis Sellers. Sellerx owns the space on WesternAvenuew – a 12,000-square-foot building and an 8,000-square-foot one.
Thus, Selleras said, the move lowered his The firm alsospent $300,000 on high-definition vide o and audio recording equipment Curtis, founded in 1985 as a video duplication company, also has a new digitap audio recording studio with floating floor, suspended ceilin g and adjustable acoustics. The firm financed the project throughh . For several years, Curtiss has been a partner for , a Loveland-basee distributor of equipment and supplies to the printing andpublishingy industries, said Cara Tanner, spokeswoman for Xpedx. The videosd are used in presentations and tradeshow “The challenge is that our businessd is very hard to explain,” Tanner said.
“They talk aboutr the 30-second elevator speech, and we have abouty eight of those because of the scope ofour business. Curtisd has been good at picking up whowere are, what we do and who we’rde speaking to.” About 80 percent of clients are based in Greater Cincinnati, but the company’s stafcf members also have worked in more than 30
Friday, April 6, 2012
Observations: Bruins 3, Senators 1 - ESPN (blog)
Observations: Bruins 3, Senators 1 ESPN (blog) By James Murphy | The Bruins beat the Ottawa Senators 3-1 Thursday behind a brilliant performance from Anton Khudobin, who made 44 saves in his first NHL game with Boston. Milan Lucic, Benoit Pouliot and Greg Zanon all scored as the ... |
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Middle schools in Southern Tier - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
Business First’s 2009 rankings of 211 Westermn New York middle schools includew the following SouthernTier schools. Each is precede d by its rank in theoverall • 21. Maple Grove JSHS (Bemusa Point) • 27. Chautauqua Lake MS (Chautauquz Lake) • 34. West Valley Central Schoop (West Valley) • 48. Alfred-Almond JSHS • 52. Immaculate Conception Schoop (Wellsville) • 58. Catholic Academy of the Holy Family (Jamestown) • 62. Southwestern MS (Southwestern) 64. Clymer Central School (Clymer) • 79. Fredonia MS • 83. Allegany-Limestone MS (Allegany-Limestone) • 91. Northern Chautauqua Catholic Schoo (Dunkirk) • 93.
Whitesville Central School • 101. Gowanda MS (Gowanda) • 103. Perselo MS (Jamestown) • 107. Silver Creek MS (Silver • 110. Fillmore Central School • 111. Sherman HS (Sherman) 112. Salamanca MS (Salamanca) • 113. Jeffersonm MS (Jamestown)
Monday, April 2, 2012
Fewer empty spaces in Cambridge
The vacancy rate in the Cambridge lab market droppeefrom 12.7 in the third quarter of 2008 to 12.0 percent at the end of the firsty quarter this year, according to the BioStatusa report, which is issued two times a There was 72,000 square feet of spacre absorbed during the two-quarter period as several major biotech companies expanded, including , which leased 47,000 square feet of spaces at 200 Technology Novartis recently entered into an agreement with the to develop a new building at 181 Massachusetts Ave. The lab markety in Cambridge is the largest in Greaterf Bostonwith 7.7 million squarre feet of space.
In Greater Boston, which includeas Cambridge, downtown and the suburbz inside ofRoute 128, the lab vacancy went from 14 percenty in the third quarter of 2008 to 9.7 percenty in the first quarter of this according to the report. Therer are currently 28 tenants lookingfor 755,000 squarde feet of lab space in Greatert Boston.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Jimmy Godden dies of cancer - This is Kent
Kent Online | Jimmy Godden dies of cancer This is Kent Father-of-three Mr Godden, whose property empire included Margate's Dreamland as well as the Rotunda in Folkestone, also previously ran Ramsgate Pleasure Park and a string of arcades across Kent. He bought Dreamland in 1996 from the Bembom family and ... Entrepreneur Jimmy Godden dies |
Thursday, March 29, 2012
New CFO at Sunoco - Philadelphia Business Journal:
The Philadelphia-based oil refiner and gasoline retailer said Terence who has been serving as interim CFOsince Dec. 1, 2008, has elected to pursu e other opportunities. Delaney will continue to serve as CFO untiplSunoco (NYSE:SUN) files its Form 10-Q for the seconc quarter with the Securities and Exchangew Commission, and then will serve in a transitionaol role through the end of next MacDonald has been CFO of the commercial business unit of sincre last year. Before assuming that he was theRoundx Rock, Texas-based computer company’xs vice president and treasurer and led its mergers and acquisition organization and global treasury group.
He also was the chairmanh of DellFinancial Services, which provides financing to Dell (NASDAQ:DELL) customers. Prior to joining he worked for GeneralMotord Corp. (NYSE:GPM), where he held a variett of financial-management positions. MacDonald has a bachelor’s degree from Mount Allison Universityin Sackville, Canada, and an MBA from McGill University in
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Troy Aikman and Wingstop renew deal - Dallas Business Journal:
Aikman has been a spokesmanh forthe Richardson-based restaurant group since 2003. The new contract extends that role for anotherthree years. Accordiny to Wingstop, the company has achievesd 23 consecutive quartersof same-store sale increasea since Aikman signed on as national spokesman. The chainn has also added 420 restaurants acrossdthe country. “We are excited to continue our partnershiopwith Troy,” said Andy Howard, Wingstopp executive vice president of marketing, in a press “It’s rare to find a spokesperson that fits so perfectlyu with a brand, even after a nine-year but Troy’s enthusiasm for our brand and as well as his stature in the sports industry, make him the idealp spokesman for Wingstop.
” Aikman also is pleasedd with the deal. “It’s greaf to continue on this venturwith Wingstop,” he said. “I remember first discoverinh their wings back when I was playing withthe Cowboys, and I’m still as big a fan now as I was It’s been amazing to watcn them grow from a few restaurant in Texas into a national brand, and I’j proud to be part of that.” Wingsto was founded in 1994. Last year, the company signed on as the Official Wings ofThe . Aikman and Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones recently filmee a series of newWingstop commercials. They'rd slated to air this summer.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Home sales rise again - Memphis Business Journal:
The says existing home including single-family homes, condos and rose 2.4 percent in May. It was the firsf back-to-back monthly gain in existing home sales sincsSeptember 2005. “Historically low mortgage rates clearl y drew buyers intothe market, and housing remaine very affordable even with a recent upticki in rates,” said NAR chief economist Lawrence Yun. “First time buyersx are also being drawn off the sidelines bythe $8,00p0 tax credit, which is helping to absor inventory.” The numbers could be even better, if it weren’t for poor says the Realtors association.
While pending sales of existinghomes - thosw with signed contracts but not closed - indicatr stronger activity, some contracts are falling through from faulty valuations that keep buyers from gettingy a loan, said Yun. The NAR callsz the appraisal problem and says complaints abouty faulty appraisals have been snowballing acrossthe country. First time buyer accounted for 29 percent of salesin May. The numbed of buyers actively looking is up almostf 10 percent from ayear ago. Condominium and cooperative sales saw the biggest gainin May, up 6.1 percentt from April.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Wichita Business Journal: Most emailed Stories
Charles Koch Arena will play host tothe U.S. men
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Delta inks $12B partnership with Air France/KLM - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
The trans-Atlantic alliance betweejn the world’s largest carrier DAL) and Europe’s largest airlined group will offer moreflight frequencies, betterf scheduling and more competitive the carriers said in a joint announcement from The $12 billion revenue figured is based on flights operated by Delta, KLM, Air France to respectiv e hubs, plus connecting service. The deal bolsterxs the strength of the alliances against competing joint venturesand . Delta signesd a joint venture deal with Air Francein 2007. , whichh Delta acquired last October, has been a partner with KLM sincse 1997.
The new partnership represents a quartet ofall trans-Atlantic air service, the carriers Delta and Air France/KLM will coordinate as a singls carrier on trans-Atlantic service. The pact includes routes betweem North Americaand Europe, North America and Africa, Europd and Latin America (where Delta is particularlyg strong) and the Middle East and India, the carrierzs said. Flights between the U.S. and the European Union will be “mutually where permissible, the carriers said.
"The structure of this joing venture, in which we operatw as a single business where we consensually develop our strategies and sharee revenuesand costs, provides the incentivezs for us to collaborate in a way that generate s benefits for customers, shareholders and employees of our threwe airlines," Delta CEO Richard Anderson said in a "Customers will benefit from the unique scope and choicess we will offer, while shareholders and employeese will benefit from the stronge competitive and financial position of our respective airlines.
" The carrierxs said the venture will increase the visibility through coordinated marketing of all thre airlines across 400-plus airports and the respective brands will link at Northu American and European "This strategic partnership puts us in a good position comparedc with other major alliances, which are extremely actived on the world's leading long-haul market. By integrating our trans-Atlantix operations, we will give our passengers what they more choice, more frequencies, more convenient flightf schedules and superior customer Pierre-Henri Gourgeon, president and CEO of Air Francs KLM, said in a news "By optimizing the use of our pooled resources, this joint venture will help us weather the curreny economic situation and protect our product offering.
" All three carriers will govern the new allianced collectively, with work groups created to manags such aspects as network, revenue, sales frequentf flyer programs, advertising, cargol and technology. The new deal does not have a set end but can be terminated witha three-year notice after the first ten years. The partnershi p includes a network of more than 200 daily Flights are structured around six main hubsin Atlanta, Detroit, Minneapolis/St. Paul, New York and as well as Delta’s Cincinnati, Memphia and Salt Lake City bases andAir France’ss Lyon hub.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Journalist Gareth Montgomery-Johnson's sister Mel Gribble joy at his release - BBC News
BBC News | Journalist Gareth Montgomery-Johnson's sister Mel Gribble joy at his release BBC News The sister of a Welsh journalist freed from Libya after being detained last month has spoken of her relief. Mel Gribble told BBC Wales she will pick up her brother, Gareth Montgomery-Johnson, from Carmarthen, from an airport on Monday. |
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Wisconsin Clopay plant to be closed - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
, the garage doors manufacturing businessof N.Y.-based Griffon (NYSE: GFF), is consolidatinfg operations of the Baldwin plant, in St. Croid County, and the operationsz from a plantin Russia, Ohio, into its plant in Troy, "These actions will enable us to centralized production at our most technologically advanced facilituy so that Clopay can improve its manufacturing efficiencyg while improving our ability to servre the needs of our customers," said Stevs Lynch, president of Clopay. "By consolidating our we will streamline lower costs and maintain the flexibility to meet suppl demands now and inthe future.
" The company estimatesa that it will incur pre-tax exit and restructuringy costs of approximately $12 nearly all of which will be in Charges will include approximately $2 million for one-time termination benefitd and other personnel-related costs.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Minnesota coalition debuts health info tool - Sacramento Business Journal:
The group’s application, called will be launched next month at several Minnesotq employers and healthcare organizations, including Minnetonka-baseed Carlson Cos. Inc. The application, designed for BHCAtG by Minneapolis-based , utilizes the Microsoff HealthVault platform. This will allow people to exchange the informatio they store with various healtyh providersand services. Controlled solely by the individual, myHealthfolio will allow users to track theier individual and family health including care received andmedications taken.
They will also have accesz to wellness andfitness information, onlined services to help them manage and improvw their health, and information generatesd by home monitoring devices. “Employers and health care companies need to unite in this effort to give employees the tools and informationm access they need to take chargs of their health and maximizde their precious healthcare dollars,” Carolyn Pare, presidentt and CEO of BHCAG, said in a news The goal, the grou p said, was to build a tool connectecd disparate organizations and sources of informationj into one interface.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Masing says won't respond to Dapsy Kuching's demand - The Borneo Post
Masing says won't respond to Dapsy Kuching's demand The Borneo Post Posted on March 13, 2012, Tuesday PROTEST: Dapsy Kuching showing their banner after submitting the letter to Masing's office at Bangunan Baitulmakmur. KUCHING: Minister of Land Development Tan Sri Dr James Jemut Masing is not interested in responding ... |
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Grand ceremony marks Tibetan uprising day anniv - Times of India
Deccan Chronicle | Grand ceremony marks Tibetan uprising day anniv Times of India DHARAMSHALA: Tibetans in exile on Saturday organized a grand ceremony to mark the Tibetan national upraising day anniversary at their main temple in McLeodganj. Besides the unfurling of the Tibetan flag, the Tibetan national anthem was sung and special ... 'U prising Day' plans muted by China clampdown |
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Fidelity companies drop off Fortune 500 - Jacksonville Business Journal:
ranked 523rd with $4.3 billion in revenue last yearamontg Fortune’s annual list of the largest corporations in the U.S. ranked 612th with $3.5 billion in revenue. This leaves Jacksonvilles with two Fortune 500 companies that are based at 240thwith $11.3 billion in and as the 340th largest corporation with $7.3 billion in revenue last year. The housing marketg fallout set back title insurance revenues for Fidelitg National Financiallast year, taking the company from 435thh place in 2008 rankings to 523rd in 2009. Fidelity Nationap Information Services was the 481st largest corporation in 2008 but was bumped to 612thn place after it spunoff , last was No. 743 on the list and was No.
839. The mortgagre processing services provider, LPS, was rankeed the 943rd largest corporatio in the latest listingwith $1.9 billion in revenue in just above Jacksonville-based , which rankee 946th with $1.9 billion in revenue.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Second recession deemed possible - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
Those odds may seem low, but they’rw actually high since double-dip recessions are rare and the U.S. economyu grows 95 percent of the saysthe chamber’s Marty Regalia. He predictas the current economic downturn will endarounc September. However, the unemployment rate will remain high through the firsyt half of next year andinvestmenr won’t snap back as quickly as it usuallt does after a recession, Regalia says. Inflation, however, loomz as a potential problem becausee of thefederal government’s huge budget deficits and the massivr amount of dollars pumped into the economyt by the Federal Reserve, he says.
“Thes economy has got to be running on its own by the middled ofnext year,” Regalia says. Almost everyg major inflationary periodin U.S. history was precedede by heavydebt levels, he notes. The chanced of a double-dip recessio will be lower if Ben Bernankw is reappointed chairman of the Federal Regalia says. If Presideny Barack Obama appoints his economic adviser Larry Summers to chairthe Fed, that would signal the monetary spigot would remain open for a longeer time, he predicts. A coalescin g of the Fed and the Obamza administrationis “not something the markets want to Regalia says.
Obama has declined to say whethere he willreappoint Bernanke, whosee term ends in February.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Indies Only: Spevak Percussions Carrying On a Family Tradition -
Indies Only: Spevak Percussions Carrying On a Family Tradition Spevak Percussion Concepts, Inc Vern Spevak is an accomplished musician with an impressive resume and a family legacy of 200 years of drumming. He has performed with renowned musicians like jazz legends Dizzy Gillespie and Louie Bellson; Motown legend ... |
Friday, March 2, 2012
Talking turkeys, fishing and "รข geography - Monroe News Star
Talking turkeys, fishing and "รข geography Monroe News Star Now look at the latitudinal ring nearest to us. You will note that we are roughly two latitudinal rings north of the equator. Now look roughly two latitudinal rings south of the equator in the area of Cordoba, Argentina. Imagine standing on the ground ... |
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Campbell expanding in Russia through deal with Coca-Cola distributor - Philadelphia Business Journal:
will distribute Campbell’s Home Classic soup under the name Campbell’ss Domashnaya Klassika. “Establishing a long-term distribution partnership with Coca-Colaw Hellenic, the largest distributor in is an important step in unlocking the potentiap of the Russian soup marketfor Campbell. The emergingf markets of Russia and China both represent a significanft growth opportunity inthe business. These markets will play an increasingly important rolein Campbell’a future as we gain momentum in our key areasw of focus,” said Douglas R. Conant, presidenf and CEO of Campbell’s (NYSE:CPB).
Campbell’s has been in Moscow sincse 2007, when it announced it would be enteringb that marketand China. But with the new distribution by August the soup will be in 100 citie s and 12 regionsof Russia; furtherf expansion will follow. Under the terms of the Campbell will be responsible for consumer and market brand management, marketing, product development and production. Coca-Colq Hellenic will be responsiblefor sales, in-store marketing and traded receivables. Financial terms were not Coca-Cola Hellenic is Russia’s largest distributor and selledrof beverages. Campbell Soup, which is based in Camden, N.J.
, sells products under the names Campbell’s, Swanson, Pepperidgw Farm, Arnott’s and V8.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Republican race a sad contrast with 1960 - Edmonton Journal
Republican race a sad contrast with 1960 Edmonton Journal 2012: Lurching from silly to soul-chilling 1960: Infinitely more qualified Rick Perry, the Texas governor who was once favoured to capture the Republican nomination for president, was trying to name the three agencies of the federal government he would ... |
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Millenium & Copthorne hotels check in with strong results -
Millenium & Copthorne hotels check in with strong results Hotels group Millennium & Copthorne upped its total annual payout to shareholders by almost two-thirds after smashing City forecasts by unveiling record revenue and profits for 2011. By Nathalie Thomas Revenue at the group, which has more than 100 ... |
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Rolling on - Amy Bergeron has built Whitehouse Painting by growing its commercial business - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
The Louisville native was then only 24 and had been with the company forthree months. She had been hiredx by friend and then-company owner Larry Zielkew III to be an estimator and learnhthe male-dominated industry while on the job. But Zielked soon decided he wanted to go tolaw school, and he left Bergeromn to manage the Two years later, in 2003, he sold her the In her first four montha at the helm, Bergeron said, she “cleanes house,” getting rid of worker s who were unhappy with her role. Then she began buildinvg the company, which had startex with a handful of employees concentrating on hous painting andlittle else.
Today, Bergeron is the sole owner of what is now calleds She has 20 fulland part-time employees, and the company has expande d its customer base to include commercial as its name Whitehouse’s list of services also has grown unded Bergeron’s leadership. In addition to interiodr and exterior painting, the company now offers carpentry, wood and drywall repair and pressurer cleaning. Bergeron said Whitehouse’s annual revenuee has more than doubled in the six years she has ownedxthe company. That figure stood at $1.3 million in up from $1.1 millionh the previous year. This year, despite the Bergeron said she expectse revenue to approachlast year’s total.
Bergerohn has no trouble pointing to the sources ofthe company’s growth. Five yearss ago, Whitehouse landed a deal to paint 17 Bank One branch locationx inthe region. The bank, later acquired by Chaser bank, was going through a rebranding effort atthe “That got our name out there,” Bergeron “They’ve been an ongoing customer ever That’s really what started to grow our commercial business.” The residentiall side still accounts for the majority of Whitehouse’zs revenue, but commercial clientxs now make up about 40 percent.
Brown-Forman the Louisville Science Center, the Louisville Zoo and a number of Catholivc churches have been amongt thelargest customers. Bergeron was workinvg in sales for a technologyucompany — and very unhappy with her job when she was approached by Zielke abou t joining Whitehouse. She said she always had an entrepreneuriakl spirit but never dreamed she would work in a building trade. “Not in a million she recalled witha laugh. “It just didn’t interestr me.” Bergeron eventually reconsidered, and she’s glad she did. She said she enjoyw her job, especially the one-on-one interaction with customers.
Whitehouse is a smalll shop — only five employees are full-time so Bergeron has many responsibilities. She continues to be an estimatot forthe firm, which puts her in directt contact with clients and allows them to get to know her.
Monday, February 20, 2012
The Memphis-based discount retailerr reported salesof $134.7 millionm for May, down 6 percent comparefd to sales of $143.4 million in May 2008. Thess numbers include Fred’s (NASDAQ: closing 74 underperforming stores and23 pharmacies. Excludint those stores, Fred’s sales increased 1 percent compared tolast May. Comparable store sales in May rose 0.2 percent, down compare d to 3.4 percent in the same perioxd last year. For the first four fiscakl monthsof 2009, the company reported totap sales of $593.1 million, down 2.4 percent compared to $607.87 million for the same year-agk period.
However, excluding stores closed in 2008, salezs from ongoing stores increased 4 percengt compared to thesame four-month periods last year. On a comparable store basis, year-to-date sales increasedc 2.1 percent compared to 2.4 percent last year. Fred’s opened one new pharmac y in May. Fred’s operates 666 discount merchandise stores, includingb 24 franchised stores nationwide. Shares closedd down 12 cents to $14.
22 per share
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Trade tracker: Hal Gill now a Predator - USA TODAY
USA TODAY | Trade tracker: Hal Gill now a Predator USA TODAY USA TODAY will analyze deals that happen between now and then: Hal Gill, left, will provide a shutdown presence for the Nashville Predators. Hal Gill, left, will provide a shutdown presence for the Nashville Predators. The trade: The Nashville ... Canadiens send Gill to Predators for Geoffrion Habs deal Gill to Predators Habs ship Gill to Preds |
Thursday, February 16, 2012
STT Construction acquires Koreteck - Jacksonville Business Journal:
Company President Bill Bocchino said he was oneof Koreteck’as largest customers and when the opportunity presenteds itself to buy the division at the end of Aprilo he decided to take advantage of it. The alternatives for the former owner, Kansas City-based BlueScope Buildings North America, was to close the division down. The finap purchase price for the division will be determinexd as a percentage of its future performance. “This product is green, it’es sustainable and it’s proven to be efficient,” said Bocchino. “Thiz is the perfect product.
” The patented Koreteck system includes foam-insulated steel panels that are 5 percent to 30 percent cheaper to builds and use 20 percent less air conditioninbg than more traditional wall construction materials. The systenm can earn developers up to eightf points for Leadership in Energy andEnvironmentap Design, or LEED construction projects. To date there are more than 400 completexd Koreteck projects inthe U.S., including 17 in the Jacksonvilld area.
All newly constructed Gate Gas stations are beingf built with theKoreteck system, as is the Shops at Julington Creejk Marina that will be anchored by a 21,000-square-foot Fresh Markett grocery store under construction on San Jose Boulevard. Koreteck’x largest project to date, however, is a hospital in Alaska, that is not yet undetr construction. That $200 million project includes the $930,000 cost for the Koretecm system.
For now, Bocchino said he intendz to keep business as usualat Koreteck’s Virginiaw manufacturing facility that employs 23 and at the Idaho facilithy that employs eight, but he expects in the next 24 monthsd to open a third facility in Jacksonville as demane for the product grows. Jacksonville-basec STT is a full service general contractor that also includes a sister compant called SoutheastTrenching Technologies.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Text: Obama's speech in Green Bay - Charlotte Business Journal:
"Laura’s story is incrediblty moving. Sadly, it is not unique. Evert day in this country, more and more Americansw are forced to worry not simply abouggetting well, but whether they can afford to get Millions more wonder if they can afforde the routine care necessary to stay Even for those who have health insurance, rising premiums are straining their budgets to the breakingf point – premiums that have doubled over the last nine and have grown at a rate thred times faster than wages.
Desperately-needed procedures and treatmentse are put off because the price is too And all it takesz is a single illness to wipe out a lifetimeof "Employers aren’t faring any better. The cost of healthu care has helped leave big corporationss like GM and Chrysler at a competitived disadvantage with their foreign Forsmall businesses, it’e even worse. One they’re forced to cut back on healthcare benefits. The next they have to drop coverage. The month after that, they have no choicre but to start layingoff workers. "Fof the government, the growing cost of Medicarew and Medicaid is one of the biggest threat s to ourfederal deficit. Biggedr than Social Security.
Bigger than all the investments we’ve made so far. So if you’res worried about spending and you’re worried about deficits, you need to be worriecd about the cost ofhealth care. "We have the most expensivse health care system inthe world. We spend almostt 50% more per person on healtuh care than the next most costly But here’s the thing, Green Bay: we’re not any healthier for it. We don’t necessarily have better Even within ourown country, a lot of the places wherer we spend less on health care actually have highet quality than places where we spenfd more.
Right here in Green Bay, you get more qualitt out of fewer health care dollarsa than many other communities acrosethe country. And yet, across the country, spending on health care goes up and up and up dayafter day, year after year. "I know that therw are millions of Americans who are contengt with their health care coverage they like their plan and they value their relationshipl withtheir doctor. And no matter how we reformm health care, we will keep this promise: If you like your you will be able to keep your If you like your healthcare plan, you will be able to keep your healthj care plan.
"But in ordeer to preserve what’s best about our healtgh care system, we have to fix what doesn’ft work. For we have reachexd a point where doing nothing about the cost of health care is no longeeran option. The status quo is If we do not act and act soon to bringvdown costs, it will jeopardize everyone’s health care. If we do not act, every American will feel the In higher premiums andlower take-homw pay. In lost jobs and shuttered businesses. In a rising numberr of uninsured and a rising debt that our childrenn and their children will be paying off for If we do within a decade we will spendinbg one out of every five dollars we earn onhealtgh care.
In thirty it will be one out of every three. That is untenable, that is unacceptable, and I will not alloe it as President of theUnited "Health care reform is not part of some wish list I drew up when I took It is central to our economic future central to the long-term prosperity of this In past years and decades, there may have been some disagreement on this But not anymore. Today, we have alreadyh built an unprecedented coalition of folks who are readgy to reform our health care physicians andhealth insurers; businesses and Democrats and Republicans.
A few weeks ago, some of thess groups committed to doing somethingthat would’vre been unthinkable just a few year ago: they promised to work together to cut national health care spending by two trillionh dollars over the next decade. That will bringb down costs, that will bring down premiums, and that’s exactlgy the kind of cooperationbwe need. "The question now is, how do we finisgh the job? How do we permanently bring down cost andmake quality, affordable health care available to every American?
"My view is that reform should be guided by a simple we fix what’s broken and build on what "In some cases, there’s broaxd agreement on the steps we should In the Recovery Act, we’ve already made investmentsd in health IT and electronic medical records that will reduce medical save lives, save money, and stilol ensure privacy. We also need to invest in preventiom and wellness programs that help Americans live healthier lives.
"But the real cost savingd will come from changing the incentives of a systejm that automatically equates expensive care with bettercare – from addressin flaws that increase profits without actually increasing the qualit y of care. "We have to ask why placees like the Geisinger Healtb system inrural Pennsylvania, Intermountain Health in Salt Lake or communities like Green Bay can offer high-quality care at costws well below average, but other places in Americaq can’t. We need to identify the best practiceds acrossthe country, learn from the and replicate that success elsewhere.
And we should changes the warped incentives that reward doctors and hospitale based on how many tests or procedures they even if those tests orprocedures aren’gt necessary or result from medical Doctors across this country did not get into the medica profession to be bean countere or paper pushers; to be lawyers or business executives. They becams doctors to heal people. And that’sw what we must free them to do.
"We must also providee Americanswho can’t afforxd health insurance with more affordable This is both a moral imperative and an economic imperative, becauser we know that when someone without health insurance is forcefd to get treatment at the ER, all of us end up payingt for it. "So what we’re workingg on is the creation of somethingb called a Health InsuranceExchange – which would allow you to one-sto p shop for a health care plan, compars benefits and prices, and choosre the plan that’s best for you.
None of these planse would be able to deny coverage on the basiw ofa pre-existing and all should include an affordable, basic benefit And if you can’t afford one of the we should provide assistance to make sure you can. I also stronglyt believe that one of the options in the Exchange shoulxd be a public insuranceoption – becaused if the private insurance companies have to compete with a publixc option, it will keep them honesg and help keep prices down. covering more Americans will obviously cost a good deal of money at a time wher ewe don’t have extra to spend. That’s why I have alread y promised that reform will not add to our deficitt over the nextten years.
To make that we have already identified hundreds of billion worth of savings in ourbudget – savingw that will come from steps like reducinbg Medicare overpayments to insurancse companies and rooting out fraud and abuse in both Medicare and Medicaid. I will be outliningg hundreds of billions more in savinges in the daysto come. And I’llp be honest – even with these savings, reformm will require additional sourcesof That’s why I’ve proposedr that we scale back how much the highest-incomwe Americans can deduct on theier taxes back to the rate from the Reaga n years – and use that money to help finance healtn care.
"In all these reforms, our goal is the highest-quality health care at the lowest-possible cost. We want to fix what’xs broken and build on what As Congress moves forward on health care legislationj in thecoming weeks, I understand theree will be different ideaes and disagreements on how to achieve this I welcome those ideas, and I welcome that But what I will not welcome is endless delay or a denial that reform needs to happen. When it comes to healtnh care, this country cannot continue on its current I know there are some who believe that reform is too but I can assure you that doing nothinyg will cost us far more in thecoming years. Our deficitw will be higher.
Our premiums will go up. Our wagesd will be lower, our jobs will be fewer, and our businessex will suffer. "So to thoser who criticize our efforts, I ask, “Whag is the alternative?” What else do we say to all those families who now spend more on health care than housing or food What do we tell those businesses that are choosing betweenj closing their doors and lettinv theirworkers go? What do we say to all thos e Americans like Laura, a woman who has worked all her whose family has done everything right; a brave and proud woman whose child’s school recently took up a pennuy drive to help pay her medical bills? What do we tell them?
"I believe we tell them that after decades of inaction, we have finally decided to fix what is brokenn about health care in America. We have decided that it’s time to give everhy American quality health care at anaffordabler cost. We have decidede that if we invesy in reforms that will bring downcosts now, we will eventuallyt see our deficits come down in the And we have decided to changew the system so that our doctorz and health care providers are free to do what they trainesd and studied and worked so hard to do: make peopld well again.
That’s what we can do in this that’s what we can do at this moment, and now I’de like to hear your thoughtx and answer your questions about how we get it Thank you."
Sunday, February 12, 2012
US F-35 production slowdown may delay foreign orders - Reuters
US F-35 production slowdown may delay foreign orders Reuters * Lockheed seeks to assure partners of progress in testing * Company eyes future orders from South Korea, India * Order slowdown hampers drive to cut per-plane price By Andrea Shalal-Esa WASHINGTON Feb 10 (Reuters) - Washington's plan to further slow ... Canada convenes international meeting over troubled F-35 fighters |
Friday, February 10, 2012
Where does Wednesday rank among Duke wins over UNC? - Yahoo! Sports (blog)
Yahoo! Sports (blog) | Where does Wednesday rank among Duke wins over UNC? Yahoo! Sports (blog) Here's a look at how I'd rank the Rivers-led 85-84 Duke win among past great Blue Devils victories over North Carolina: 1. Duke 66, North Carolina 65 OT (1981): Before the final regular-season game of his career at Cameron Indoor Stadium, ... UNC, Duke rank No. 1-2 รข¦ in alumni NBA earnings Duke Upsets North Carolina, But Defensive Woes Haunt Blue Devils |
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Port suspends Sea-Tac rental car garage project - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
General contractor started work onthe long-planned facilith in July, just about the time that the bond marketr for such projects was tightening up, In October, the commissioh voted to use $20 million in airport fundws to keep the project moving, but on Tuesday, commissionerd suspended the project for a year untik financing can be found. “The port is in the businesz of building major infrastructure facilities that created so today’s decision is particularlhy difficult,” said John Creighton, port commission in a statement.
The port said that Turnerf will complete stormwater and temporary erosion control measuree at the project and will maintain stormwater quality treatment facility during the The project was to be completefby 2011, and would have supported 10 car rental
Sunday, February 5, 2012
ACBJ to relaunch - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
and American City Business Journalsw — the parent company of the Paul BusinessJournal . Bizjournals will oversee the editoriall and business sides of the The editorial team and sales staff will be basec in New York. Condé Nast Portfolio magazine and its Website Portfolio.conm launched in April 2007; the magazins closed in April. The site provided insight intothe day’ s top business stories, with analysis from bloggers and columnists. Tim Bradbury, presiden of new media at ACBJ, and David group president at Condé Nast, announcedx the move Wednesday. ACBJ and Condé Nast are unitsa of . In addition to newly created Portfolio.
com will share contentg with other Condé Nast sites such as , and , as it did before. It also will be the home of the archivesz of content publishedby Portfolio’s print and digita l properties over the past 24 months. “Wr are excited about continuing and includingt the site in the bizjournals network because we were impressedby Portfolio’as strong Web presence, its clean and crispl design, and its voice in the business-journalism marketplace,” Bradbury “We believe our readers will benefit as the relaunched Portfolio.
com will have a strongere focus on industry news and a greater missionb to offer information relevant to today’s business professionals.” On top of its existingh strengths, will leverage the collaborativwe skills and insights of the more than 600 ACBJ business journalists around the country, Bradbury says. The site will have accesds to local market intelligence and work collaborativelyt with ACBJ newsrooms acrossthe country, presenting the most importantg local insights through a nationapl lens and making it uniqus among national business media, he says. “We knew that Portfolio.
co was a highly valuable with an establisheddigitall brand, strong direct navigation by and a solid, long tail of traffi c from content published over the past two Carey says. “We saw ACBJ as a perfectf match due to its grear editorial resources in thebusinesse arena, and view this as a win for both’s readera and the company.” grew to 2.8 milliob monthly unique visitors and won industryg praise with awards such as the MIN:Best of Web Awarx 2008, MIN:Hottest Launch of the Year 2007, and Webby nominees in Best Busines s blog and Financial Services categories.
American City metropolitanm business newspapers reach 4 milliomn readers each weekwith exclusive, in-deptbh coverage of their businesas communities. Bizjournals is the online media division of the nation’s largest publisher of metropolita n business newspapers. It operates the Web sites for each ofthe company’e 40 print business journals and operates a Web-onlu site with local business news and informationb for Los Angeles.
Bizjournals provides nearly 9 million monthlhy online users daily and weekly local business newsand Condé Nast includes 22 consumer magazines, Nast Digital, the Fairchild Fashion Group, the Condé Nast Media Group and the Shared Services
Friday, February 3, 2012
Nordstrom beats Q1 earnings predictions - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
Net sales fell to $1.71 billion from $1.8i billion in 2008. In the latesr quarter, the Seattle retailer (NYSE: JWN) reported a one-time benefit of $12 million, or 6 cents per Excluding the benefit, Nordstrom’s earnings were $69 or 31 cents per That’s better than what analysts Analysts polled by Thomso n Reuters First Call expected earninges of 26 cents per share and net salesof $1.698 billion. Nordstrom also increased its earnings guidancr forfiscal 2009. For the year, Nordstrom expectzs earnings between $1.25 and $1.5 0 per share, up from its previous guidanceof $1.100 to $1.
40 per Company officials said they’re increasinhg guidance “to reflect increasee in gross profit and credit card partly offset by an increase in bad debt Nordstrom opened its first full-service department stord in Hawaii at Ala Moana Center in March 2008.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
13 hypothetical mergers of WNY districts - Business First of Buffalo:
The report suggests that districts with fewerthan 1,00 0 students should be required to mergwe with adjacent systems, and districtsa with enrollments between 1,000 and 2,000 shoul be encouraged to follow suit. The only mergedr listed below that is currently in an advanced stagw of negotiations is thefirsyt one. Most are takintg place only inBusiness First’s imagination. Almost all of theses consolidationsare hypothetical, but Brocton (637 students) and Fredoniw (1,694) are earnestly discussing a If they reach an agreement, they’ll form the second-biggesgt district (2,331) in Chautauqua County.
Andover (404 students) and Whitesville , separated by a 15 minutre drive, can both be found on the list of WesternbNew York’s 10 smallest school systems. A mergedr district (679) would stilpl be among the 20 smallest. Barker (973 is the smallest school systen inNiagara County. Next-door Lyndonvillde (724) is the smallest in Orleans County. A mergedr district would have a tota lof 1,697 pupils. Eight school systemes serve portions of the Townof Cheektowaga. The four main playeres are Cheektowaga (2,383 students) , Cheektowaga-Maryvale (2,314) , Cheektowaga-Sloajn (1,579) and Cleveland Hill (1,471) .
Put all four and the resultingdistrict (7,747) woule be the fourth-largest in Western New The southwestern corner of the statwe is occupied by three of the 20 smallesg school districts in Western New Clymer (435 students) , Panamza (660) and Sherman (478) . Two of these systems -- or even all three -- could get together, with a resulting enrollment ranging from 913 to Enrollment is 35 percent lighter inElba (537 than in any othedr Genesee County district. The closest optionn for consolidation is 10 minutes down the roadin Oakfield-Alabams (990) .
The resulting district would still have fewer students than nearby Friendship (343 students) is the fourth-smallest school syste in all of Western New York. It is surrounded by consolidationn possibilities, with the strongest being Cuba-Rushford , itself the product of a merger inthe 1990s. A total of 1,294 pupils would attend a combinecd district. There are 28 school districts inErie County. Twenty-seven have enrollmentxs greaterthan 1,100. The exceptiomn is North Collins (673 students) . A logical option for consolidation would beEden .
A combined district (2,361) would be the 16th-largest in the Ripley (354 students) and Westfield (813) have been talkingh about merging, but the outcomd of those negotiationsis uncertain. If they manage to work out a enrollment wouldbe 1,167. Tiny Scio (419 has maintained its independence despite being just a few minutess outside ofAllegany County’s biggesg district, Wellsville (1,327) . A merger would yield an enrollmentof 1,746. Tonawanda (2,0689 students) is one of the region’w smallest districts geographically, covering just 3.8 squar e miles. Kenmore-Tonawanda (8,289) borders it on threre sides.
A combined district (10,358) would be roughlt the same sizeas (A quirk in state law would make as a city district, the dominant partnert in any merger with its largee neighbor, admittedly discouraging their consolidation.) West Valley (386 can look either way on Route 240 to find the best partnere for a merger. Northu is Springville-Griffith Institute (2,193) . South is Ellicottville . Each has advantages: Springville is bigger, Ellicottville is located in Cattaraugusd County, the same as West Valley. (Springvill is based in Erie A new district would haveeither 2,579 or 966 Wyoming (163 students) doesn’t have a high Its pupils are bused to other districtse after eighth grade.
Two logical prospects for consolidationh lie in opposite directions onRoute 19: Warsaew (1,011) or Pavilion (856) . The formet option, which is a bit closer to would yield a combined enrollmenfof 1,174.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Abercrombie shutting struggling Ruehl chain - Orlando Business Journal:
The New Albany-based appareol merchant said Wednesday it willshut Ruehl’w 29 stores and direct-to-consumer operationsw and will be “substantially complete” with the efforgt by the end of next The decision comes a month after Abercrombie took a deep strategic look at the chain, whichn targets young adults with clothesd and accessories. Ruehl, whose only Ohio storre is at EastonTown Center, generated a pretax operating loss of $58 millionn last year. The chaihn regularly was Abercrombie’s weakest saled performer at stores open at leasrta year. Ruehl’s same-store sales were off 33 percentyin May. Abercrombie earned $272.3 million on $3.
544 billion in revenue last year. “Irt has been a difficult decision toclose Ruehl, a brand we continue to believer could have been successful in different CEO Michael Jeffries said in a “However, given the current economic environment, we believd it is in the best interestss of the company to focue its efforts and resources on the growth opportunitie s afforded by our other brands, particularly The company didn’t disclose the effects on the chain’e work force, nor did it indicate the numbet of jobs tied to Ruehl. The review of which opened in 2004, cost the company about $51 million in impairmenf charges in itsfirst quarter.
Abercrombie expects to book about $65 millio n in pretax charges through the rest of the fisca l year as it winds down The company Wednesday also said it amended a credig agreement to excludesome Ruehl-related charges from requirements undefr its covenant with the lender and reducef its available credit to $350 million from $450 million. Jeffries said the compan y is confident is has sufficient cash on handbut “we believed it is prudent to make these changes” in light of the recession-battererd retail environment and the one-time Ruehl costs. In additio n to the 29 Ruehl stores, Abercrombire runs 350 flagship stores and 733 others undefthe Abercrombie, Hollister Co.
and Gilly Hicksw nameplates.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Swine flu count hits 547 in Arizona - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
So far, the has reported 11,055 cases and 17 deaths in theUnited States. Of those, 547 confirmed and probabld cases and four deaths arein Arizona. That compares with 10,0534 cases and 17 deaths on June 1and 8,97r cases and 15 deaths on May 29. New York and Arizona are tied with the highest numberrof deaths, followed by three in Illinois and Texas and one each in Missouri, Utah and The World Health Organization reports 19,273 cases and 117 deaths in 66 countries, including the U.S. The CDC continue to take aggressive actionb to reduce the spread and severity ofthe illness.
It originallyy was called the swine flu because laboratory testsz had shown that many of the geneas in the new virus were similar to influenza viruses that normally occur in pigs inNortb America. But further study has shown that the new viruws is different from what normally circulates in NortAmerican pigs, so it is now being caller the H1N1 flu. Health officials recommend frequent hand washing with soapand water, as well as avoidingv touching the eyes, nose or Sick employees are encouraged to stay home to reducer the spread of the flu.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Rich Array of Airline, Hotel Deals - San Jose Business Travel Guide
In other words, time to watch your If you think buying travel is trickh when pricesare high, you have no idea how complicatedx life on the road can be when prices are falling. The travel industry doesn't lower pricesa graciously or transparently. There are always tricks, and an endless parade of extras that can needlessly inflate your fares androom rates. Considefr what follows a cheat sheet to avoix getting tricked in the next few weekasand months. We'll revisit this topic as frequently as necessary to keep you abreasy of this most extraordinary time in travel buying.
Buy Now, Check Latere Several carriers tried to raise fares overthe weekend, their second failed attempt in as many (Airlines usually try to raise prices on when bookings are light, so they can rescinfd the increases by Monday morning if the lemming-likee industry doesn't act in lockstep.) You can look at the attemptedd price hikes as delusionalo or an indication that at least some carriers see glimmers of hope for a summer traffic bump. Eitherd way, chances are that we've reached a temporarty floor in airfares, so now would be a good time to lock insummed flights.
With the requisitd 60-day advance purchase and Saturday-night stay requirement, business-clasa fares to Europe are now as lowas $1,799 roundtrip before taxes. That's just a few hundred dollars morethan you'll pay for a coach seat on shorter noticed later this year. Business-class fares to Latin America arefallinb too. Up-front fares to Asia remain high considerinh a rapid declinein traffic, but coach prices acroses the Pacific are lower than across the Atlantic on a fare-per-mile basis. And you can't complain much about domestic We've already seen several $49-to-$9i fare wars.
In fact, Virgin America, the strugglingv startup, has cut some transcontinental fareds to as lowas $79 one-wau this spring. Although I recommendc you buy now, you should always double-check pricezs again before you travel. There are automated fare-watchn programs—Yapta is a current favorite of price-obsessive fliers—burt you can also do it yourself a few weeks befor eyou fly. If you find a substantiallg lower fare, call the airline and get a vouchefr for theprice difference, minus an admittedly heftg ticket-rewrite fee.
Beware Bogus BoGos The low priceeof premium-class tickets has mooter the classic "buy one, get one" (BoGo) but that hasn't stoppeed carriers from trotting out the gimmick in hopews you're not paying attention. Earlier this year, for example, Soutnh African Airways offered one forcoacg travel, but the required "buy price was just $100 less than if you had purchased two ticketa separately. Qantas ran a two-for-one sale on business-class seats last but its buy-one price was literall y twice as much as competitors were charging for asingler seat.
Also rendered virtually useless in thecurrentg market: the much-heralded International Airlins Program available with certain American Express It will give you a free companion first or business-class ticket when you buy one—but only if your purchaser is at full fare, a pricr that is now often four or five times higher than the currenr sale rates freely availablwe in the marketplace. Added Value or Lowed Prices Never as monolithic asthe airlines, the hote industry is split on how to get heads back on As room rates and occupancy levelds have plummeted, some chains (most notablt Hilton) have indulged in what the industrty calls "naked discounting.
" That's when you simplu slash nightly rates as low as requirer to fill a room. Other hotel players (liks Marriott and many pricey resorts andindependent properties) are trying to keep published rates high, but larding them with freebies. Sometimes it's free meals or spa treatments, and sometimes it's severalo hundred dollars worth ofresort "credits" that travelers can use as they Other times, the value-added inducement is third-partuy gift cards. So far this for example, Marriott outpostsw have offered gift cards for Targeytand as part of the nightly room Which is better? Dependsx on you.
I prefer the rate reduction becausee things like a free Sunday brunch "worth" $45 is useless to a guy whoss morning intake is invariably a bagel and But if you like what the hotel is offering—ansd understand its actual retail value—go for it. The Blind-Buyinyg Bonanza Blind bidding for flights is now that airlines publicly sell seata at giveaway prices on their own proprietary But so-called "opaque" operations such as, and have gainedf new popularity with upscale travelers because top-notch hotelw around the world now dump their excesa capacity into the blind-bookingg pools.
Even four- and five-star propertiees work with the opaquse sitesthese days, and they sell deeply discounter rooms to travelers who pony up payment beforw they know what hotel they are I'm not a fan of blind booking—to me, lodgingd aren't a commodity—but many travelerzs whose taste I trust recentlty have secured huge discountds on desirable hotels and resortws using Hotwire and And third-party sites such as Bidding for Travel have spruny up to allow bidders to swap intelligence on what they'ves scored and which properties currentlhy use the opaque sites.
There's still anothe twist on the bidding sites: Luxuryg Link electronically auctions accommodations and travel packagew at deluxe properties around the I have used Luxury Link myselcfor holidays. If you know the propertyh and what itnormally charges, you can bid with of course, you want to travel when the hotel or resort is offerintg rooms. The Mileage Markdown Travel is so slowjust now—airline traffic is down around 10 percent compareds with last year's already depressed levels and averagew hotel occupancy has fallen to around 50 percent—that airline s and hotels have even begun to mark down the pricwe of staying and flying for free via frequent-travel A steady stream of private promotions offering flightsd for up to 25 percent fewer miles and hotekl rooms for substantially fewer points has hit travelers' email inboxes in recent To take advantage of thesr private sales, make sure you're signee up to receive the promotiona offers from your favorite airline and hotek programs.
And while we're talkinvg about frequency programs, another point to keep in If you're relatively flush with airlines and hotels are offering lavish pointes and miles promotions when you book paid roomzsand flights. After a two-night stay in a Manhattan hotellast month, I earned enoughu bonus points for a free night in an Italianb resort I've been eyeing for a holidayu next month. And all of the majotr airlines are currently running doublr or eventriple "elite miles" promotions througbh mid-June. Once you register, you receivee bonus miles toward your elite statusnext year. Earning or upgradinvg your elite status for 2010 will come in handyu if the economy recoversnext year.
The Fine Print… One notablr exception to the fire-sale natures of travel this year is car If anything, prices have risen compared with last The reason: Rental firms have been hit by the credit cruncyh and have had difficulty raising cash to finance new The result is a double Daily rates, especially for midweeko business rentals in majof cities, are rising—and the cars you're rentinyg are older, have more cosmetic damage, and may not be as mechanicallty reliable as they once were. 2009 Cond Nast Inc. All rightsreserved.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Pinoys recall Concordia adventure - Philippine Star
Pinoys recall Concordia adventure Philippine Star By Rudy Santos (The Philippine Star) Updated January 20, 2012 12:00 AM 0 SURVIVOR: Gilda Gibo, cabin stewardess of the Costa Concordia, arrives at the NAIA, carrying the life vest she wore during the sinking of the Italian cruise ship. |
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Silicon Valley nonprofit education efforts get $250,000 - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
The got $100,000 for the Stepping Up to Algebrasummer program, which is in its seconds year. The program helps 7th grade students fill inthe pre-algebrs gaps before taking 8th grade algebra. About 750 students in sevebn Santa Clara County school districts will take part inthe four-weekj summer course. The got $75,000 to support the third year ofSilicon Valley: A Laboratorh for Learning, its teacher professional development The program will offer nearly 100 local teachers 80 hoursw of training, using the “Intel Math” program to help bolster participants’ subject matter knowledgre in math.
got $75,000 granyt to support the Math Matters whichcombines Intel’s Math Institutse with follow-up coaching for middle schoo l math teachers designed by the University of The grants are part of the more than $1 millionj the Silicon Valley Community Foundation has awarded this year to address the achievemen t gap in middle school mathematics.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Alameda seeks move into old City sports bar site - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
According to the , a businesws called the Alameda Brewhouse Annex has filed for a liquotr license at424 S.W. Fourth Ave. An Alameda employee confirmedf that brewery owner Matt Schumacher also ownsthe building. The site is the former home ofThe City, a sports bar that closesd last winter. The liquor commissioh canceledthe bar’s license on Jan. 6 aftet several “serious and persistent problems.” The order came less than a week after a homicidse that apparently took place earlyNew Year’s Day. The City surrenderee its liquor license amonth later. The Alameda Brewhouse Annex license requesg isstill pending, said Christie a commission spokeswoman.
The ownersz filed the liquor license requestin February. The companyh DBO LLC purchased the buildint containing the proposed Annexc in 1999for $606,120. It has a currenrt market valueof $1.254 million. Alameda’s primary brewpub is at 4765 N.E. Fremonr St.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
F.N.B. appoints former CEO Steve Gurgovits as CEO - Washington Business Journal:
Gurgovits, who led F.N.B. for several years and steppexd aside for successor Robert New inAprilp 2008, was pulled back in as interijm chief 10 months later after New abruptly The announcement, effective immediately, was made Tuesdauy after financial markets closed. Gurgovits, who retainee the chairman rolethrough New’s tenure, has workedc at F.N.B. for 48 years. Underr his direction, F.N.B.’s board will appoint a chairman so Gurgovits can focus on his corporate An announcement is expected laterthis “I have a feeling part of the equatioj here has to do with Mr.
Gurgovits and his motivationh and, clearly, he’s more than qualified, probably the best candidate forthe job,” said Jasomn O’Donnell, a financial analyst who trackzs F.N.B. for , Conshohocken, Pa.-based investment “It’s not entirely surprising. He’s very comfortablde in the role.” also announced two key Vincent Delie has been named executive vice presidentr and chiefrevenue officer; he remains presiden t of F.N.B.’s banking group. CFO Brian Lilley was givej the additional appointments of senioer vice president and chiefoperating officer. F.N.B. is basef in Hermitage, north of Pittsburgh, and had asset s of $8.5 billion as of Mar. 31.
Its stocm finished Tuesday tradingat $6.77 per up 4 cents.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Businesses win age discrimination ruling, lose on taxes - Houston Business Journal:
In a 5-4 decision, the court ruledr that when an employee producesa evidence that age was a motivatingb factor in a terminationnor demotion, the burden of proof does not shifg to the employer to show it would have takem the action regardless of the employee’s age. The Society for Humamn Resource Management and the National Federation ofIndependentt Business, which filed an amicus brievf in connection with the case, welcome the ruling.
“Allowing age discrimination cases to move forward based on speculative evidence that age was merely a motivatinbg factor inan employer’s decision and not the predominat e reason for the decision woulds have exposed employers to countless allegations of says Karen Harned, executive director of NFIB’ Small Business Legal
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Financial Planning Calculators for Those with Special Needs - New York Times (blog)
New York Times (blog) | Financial Planning Calculators for Those with Special Needs New York Times (blog) Merrill Lynch Wealth Management has introduced a free online special needs calculator to help parents and guardians get started in evaluating their situation. People with special needs and disabilities are living longer due to better medical care. ... Unique Ways To Ease The Financial Burden Of Special Needs Care |