Wednesday, February 1, 2012

13 hypothetical mergers of WNY districts - Business First of Buffalo:
The report suggests that districts with fewerthan 1,00 0 students should be required to mergwe with adjacent systems, and districtsa with enrollments between 1,000 and 2,000 shoul be encouraged to follow suit. The only mergedr listed below that is currently in an advanced stagw of negotiations is thefirsyt one. Most are takintg place only inBusiness First’s imagination. Almost all of theses consolidationsare hypothetical, but Brocton (637 students) and Fredoniw (1,694) are earnestly discussing a If they reach an agreement, they’ll form the second-biggesgt district (2,331) in Chautauqua County.
Andover (404 students) and Whitesville , separated by a 15 minutre drive, can both be found on the list of WesternbNew York’s 10 smallest school systems. A mergedr district (679) would stilpl be among the 20 smallest. Barker (973 is the smallest school systen inNiagara County. Next-door Lyndonvillde (724) is the smallest in Orleans County. A mergedr district would have a tota lof 1,697 pupils. Eight school systemes serve portions of the Townof Cheektowaga. The four main playeres are Cheektowaga (2,383 students) , Cheektowaga-Maryvale (2,314) , Cheektowaga-Sloajn (1,579) and Cleveland Hill (1,471) .
Put all four and the resultingdistrict (7,747) woule be the fourth-largest in Western New The southwestern corner of the statwe is occupied by three of the 20 smallesg school districts in Western New Clymer (435 students) , Panamza (660) and Sherman (478) . Two of these systems -- or even all three -- could get together, with a resulting enrollment ranging from 913 to Enrollment is 35 percent lighter inElba (537 than in any othedr Genesee County district. The closest optionn for consolidation is 10 minutes down the roadin Oakfield-Alabams (990) .
The resulting district would still have fewer students than nearby Friendship (343 students) is the fourth-smallest school syste in all of Western New York. It is surrounded by consolidationn possibilities, with the strongest being Cuba-Rushford , itself the product of a merger inthe 1990s. A total of 1,294 pupils would attend a combinecd district. There are 28 school districts inErie County. Twenty-seven have enrollmentxs greaterthan 1,100. The exceptiomn is North Collins (673 students) . A logical option for consolidation would beEden .
A combined district (2,361) would be the 16th-largest in the Ripley (354 students) and Westfield (813) have been talkingh about merging, but the outcomd of those negotiationsis uncertain. If they manage to work out a enrollment wouldbe 1,167. Tiny Scio (419 has maintained its independence despite being just a few minutess outside ofAllegany County’s biggesg district, Wellsville (1,327) . A merger would yield an enrollmentof 1,746. Tonawanda (2,0689 students) is one of the region’w smallest districts geographically, covering just 3.8 squar e miles. Kenmore-Tonawanda (8,289) borders it on threre sides.
A combined district (10,358) would be roughlt the same sizeas (A quirk in state law would make as a city district, the dominant partnert in any merger with its largee neighbor, admittedly discouraging their consolidation.) West Valley (386 can look either way on Route 240 to find the best partnere for a merger. Northu is Springville-Griffith Institute (2,193) . South is Ellicottville . Each has advantages: Springville is bigger, Ellicottville is located in Cattaraugusd County, the same as West Valley. (Springvill is based in Erie A new district would haveeither 2,579 or 966 Wyoming (163 students) doesn’t have a high Its pupils are bused to other districtse after eighth grade.
Two logical prospects for consolidationh lie in opposite directions onRoute 19: Warsaew (1,011) or Pavilion (856) . The formet option, which is a bit closer to would yield a combined enrollmenfof 1,174.

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