Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Stanford Medical School nets $6.9M in federal stimulus funding - Baltimore Business Journal:

million in federal economic stimulus funding. Eleven of the newlyu funded projects hadbeen peer-reviewed and approvedf but hadn’t received money yet. Anothef six involved supplemental grants to existing projects. And in one case, the NIH awardec $500,000 to a researchee to buy two photon microscopes that will be sharerd withother laboratories. These projects are the first at the medica school to receive support under theObamaw administration’s national stimulus plan, with additional granta expected down the road, officials said. “This is a said Francis Blankenberg, M.D., associate professo of radiology andof pediatrics, who received $655,00 0 in stimulus funds.
“It really stabilizes the lab.” Phili Pizzo, M.D., dean of the School of said the stimulus funding is critical tothe country’s health-car reform effort because of the linkage betweenj research and medical care. “After six yeards of NIH funding that constantly lost its valud againstinflation — with a profoundlt negative impact on our nation’s prized biomedical research enterprise — the stimulu funding is helping to take research off life support and breathwe new hope for work that we hope will ultimatelty improve the lives of adults and children,” Pizzp said in the June 16 statement.

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