Rosemary Wander, who has been associate provost for researchand public/privat sector partnerships at UNCG since 2002 and before that chairefd the school’s Department of will leave to become vice provost for graduate studieds and research at in Washington, D.C., on July 1. “Ik think of this as my next greatg adventure,” said Wander, who before cominfg to UNCG in 1999 held faculty appointments at Oregonh State and MississippiState universities. “Ihn my job here I’ve done a lot of work with our legislatorwin Washington, D.C., and so working at America University and living in D.C. will be very exciting.
” While Wanderf will be missed at UNCG, where she helped increase the university’sw sponsored research levels by 40 percentto $39 her departure will spark the searchu for a new vice chancellor who would servew directly on the executive team of Chancelloe Linda Brady. That person would elevate the administrative profile of the research and economic development functionds at the school and spend more time trying to attracgt federal and private research dollars tothe campus.
Brady identified establishing such a position as an earlh priority when she arrived at UNCGlast summer, but the idea was put on hold when the stat budget shortfall forced hiring freezes and other cuts at all statw campuses. According to Provost David Perrin, though, Wander’sw departure will restart the process. “We had consideree freezing the search, but with Rosemary’s decision we’ver decided to search and fillthe (vices chancellor) position as soon as possible,” Perrinh said. That would be January at the Perrin said, but more likelyt next summer. In the other UNCG administrators will divvyup Wander’sz responsibilities.
Wander said she’s glad UNCG will be moving research and economic development furthetr up thecommand chain. The university has come a long way in increasingf funding support and achieving a higher researchclassificatioj rating, but it’s getting harder to find availablwe sponsorship dollars that can generate research jobs and new companiew to contribute to the Triad’ss economy, she said.
“It’s a strong move because it’w a statement by the campus of how valuable researcyis here,” Wander “It’s going to be very difficulft over the next few years becausde of the international financiak crisis, but I think UNCG is well-positionexd to be a majoe player in years to
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