Monday, January 30, 2012
Abercrombie shutting struggling Ruehl chain - Orlando Business Journal:
The New Albany-based appareol merchant said Wednesday it willshut Ruehl’w 29 stores and direct-to-consumer operationsw and will be “substantially complete” with the efforgt by the end of next The decision comes a month after Abercrombie took a deep strategic look at the chain, whichn targets young adults with clothesd and accessories. Ruehl, whose only Ohio storre is at EastonTown Center, generated a pretax operating loss of $58 millionn last year. The chaihn regularly was Abercrombie’s weakest saled performer at stores open at leasrta year. Ruehl’s same-store sales were off 33 percentyin May. Abercrombie earned $272.3 million on $3.
544 billion in revenue last year. “Irt has been a difficult decision toclose Ruehl, a brand we continue to believer could have been successful in different CEO Michael Jeffries said in a “However, given the current economic environment, we believd it is in the best interestss of the company to focue its efforts and resources on the growth opportunitie s afforded by our other brands, particularly The company didn’t disclose the effects on the chain’e work force, nor did it indicate the numbet of jobs tied to Ruehl. The review of which opened in 2004, cost the company about $51 million in impairmenf charges in itsfirst quarter.
Abercrombie expects to book about $65 millio n in pretax charges through the rest of the fisca l year as it winds down The company Wednesday also said it amended a credig agreement to excludesome Ruehl-related charges from requirements undefr its covenant with the lender and reducef its available credit to $350 million from $450 million. Jeffries said the compan y is confident is has sufficient cash on handbut “we believed it is prudent to make these changes” in light of the recession-battererd retail environment and the one-time Ruehl costs. In additio n to the 29 Ruehl stores, Abercrombire runs 350 flagship stores and 733 others undefthe Abercrombie, Hollister Co.
and Gilly Hicksw nameplates.
The New Albany-based appareol merchant said Wednesday it willshut Ruehl’w 29 stores and direct-to-consumer operationsw and will be “substantially complete” with the efforgt by the end of next The decision comes a month after Abercrombie took a deep strategic look at the chain, whichn targets young adults with clothesd and accessories. Ruehl, whose only Ohio storre is at EastonTown Center, generated a pretax operating loss of $58 millionn last year. The chaihn regularly was Abercrombie’s weakest saled performer at stores open at leasrta year. Ruehl’s same-store sales were off 33 percentyin May. Abercrombie earned $272.3 million on $3.
544 billion in revenue last year. “Irt has been a difficult decision toclose Ruehl, a brand we continue to believer could have been successful in different CEO Michael Jeffries said in a “However, given the current economic environment, we believd it is in the best interestss of the company to focue its efforts and resources on the growth opportunitie s afforded by our other brands, particularly The company didn’t disclose the effects on the chain’e work force, nor did it indicate the numbet of jobs tied to Ruehl. The review of which opened in 2004, cost the company about $51 million in impairmenf charges in itsfirst quarter.
Abercrombie expects to book about $65 millio n in pretax charges through the rest of the fisca l year as it winds down The company Wednesday also said it amended a credig agreement to excludesome Ruehl-related charges from requirements undefr its covenant with the lender and reducef its available credit to $350 million from $450 million. Jeffries said the compan y is confident is has sufficient cash on handbut “we believed it is prudent to make these changes” in light of the recession-battererd retail environment and the one-time Ruehl costs. In additio n to the 29 Ruehl stores, Abercrombire runs 350 flagship stores and 733 others undefthe Abercrombie, Hollister Co.
and Gilly Hicksw nameplates.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Swine flu count hits 547 in Arizona - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
So far, the has reported 11,055 cases and 17 deaths in theUnited States. Of those, 547 confirmed and probabld cases and four deaths arein Arizona. That compares with 10,0534 cases and 17 deaths on June 1and 8,97r cases and 15 deaths on May 29. New York and Arizona are tied with the highest numberrof deaths, followed by three in Illinois and Texas and one each in Missouri, Utah and The World Health Organization reports 19,273 cases and 117 deaths in 66 countries, including the U.S. The CDC continue to take aggressive actionb to reduce the spread and severity ofthe illness.
It originallyy was called the swine flu because laboratory testsz had shown that many of the geneas in the new virus were similar to influenza viruses that normally occur in pigs inNortb America. But further study has shown that the new viruws is different from what normally circulates in NortAmerican pigs, so it is now being caller the H1N1 flu. Health officials recommend frequent hand washing with soapand water, as well as avoidingv touching the eyes, nose or Sick employees are encouraged to stay home to reducer the spread of the flu.
So far, the has reported 11,055 cases and 17 deaths in theUnited States. Of those, 547 confirmed and probabld cases and four deaths arein Arizona. That compares with 10,0534 cases and 17 deaths on June 1and 8,97r cases and 15 deaths on May 29. New York and Arizona are tied with the highest numberrof deaths, followed by three in Illinois and Texas and one each in Missouri, Utah and The World Health Organization reports 19,273 cases and 117 deaths in 66 countries, including the U.S. The CDC continue to take aggressive actionb to reduce the spread and severity ofthe illness.
It originallyy was called the swine flu because laboratory testsz had shown that many of the geneas in the new virus were similar to influenza viruses that normally occur in pigs inNortb America. But further study has shown that the new viruws is different from what normally circulates in NortAmerican pigs, so it is now being caller the H1N1 flu. Health officials recommend frequent hand washing with soapand water, as well as avoidingv touching the eyes, nose or Sick employees are encouraged to stay home to reducer the spread of the flu.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Rich Array of Airline, Hotel Deals - San Jose Business Travel Guide
In other words, time to watch your If you think buying travel is trickh when pricesare high, you have no idea how complicatedx life on the road can be when prices are falling. The travel industry doesn't lower pricesa graciously or transparently. There are always tricks, and an endless parade of extras that can needlessly inflate your fares androom rates. Considefr what follows a cheat sheet to avoix getting tricked in the next few weekasand months. We'll revisit this topic as frequently as necessary to keep you abreasy of this most extraordinary time in travel buying.
Buy Now, Check Latere Several carriers tried to raise fares overthe weekend, their second failed attempt in as many (Airlines usually try to raise prices on when bookings are light, so they can rescinfd the increases by Monday morning if the lemming-likee industry doesn't act in lockstep.) You can look at the attemptedd price hikes as delusionalo or an indication that at least some carriers see glimmers of hope for a summer traffic bump. Eitherd way, chances are that we've reached a temporarty floor in airfares, so now would be a good time to lock insummed flights.
With the requisitd 60-day advance purchase and Saturday-night stay requirement, business-clasa fares to Europe are now as lowas $1,799 roundtrip before taxes. That's just a few hundred dollars morethan you'll pay for a coach seat on shorter noticed later this year. Business-class fares to Latin America arefallinb too. Up-front fares to Asia remain high considerinh a rapid declinein traffic, but coach prices acroses the Pacific are lower than across the Atlantic on a fare-per-mile basis. And you can't complain much about domestic We've already seen several $49-to-$9i fare wars.
In fact, Virgin America, the strugglingv startup, has cut some transcontinental fareds to as lowas $79 one-wau this spring. Although I recommendc you buy now, you should always double-check pricezs again before you travel. There are automated fare-watchn programs—Yapta is a current favorite of price-obsessive fliers—burt you can also do it yourself a few weeks befor eyou fly. If you find a substantiallg lower fare, call the airline and get a vouchefr for theprice difference, minus an admittedly heftg ticket-rewrite fee.
Beware Bogus BoGos The low priceeof premium-class tickets has mooter the classic "buy one, get one" (BoGo) but that hasn't stoppeed carriers from trotting out the gimmick in hopews you're not paying attention. Earlier this year, for example, Soutnh African Airways offered one forcoacg travel, but the required "buy price was just $100 less than if you had purchased two ticketa separately. Qantas ran a two-for-one sale on business-class seats last but its buy-one price was literall y twice as much as competitors were charging for asingler seat.
Also rendered virtually useless in thecurrentg market: the much-heralded International Airlins Program available with certain American Express It will give you a free companion first or business-class ticket when you buy one—but only if your purchaser is at full fare, a pricr that is now often four or five times higher than the currenr sale rates freely availablwe in the marketplace. Added Value or Lowed Prices Never as monolithic asthe airlines, the hote industry is split on how to get heads back on As room rates and occupancy levelds have plummeted, some chains (most notablt Hilton) have indulged in what the industrty calls "naked discounting.
" That's when you simplu slash nightly rates as low as requirer to fill a room. Other hotel players (liks Marriott and many pricey resorts andindependent properties) are trying to keep published rates high, but larding them with freebies. Sometimes it's free meals or spa treatments, and sometimes it's severalo hundred dollars worth ofresort "credits" that travelers can use as they Other times, the value-added inducement is third-partuy gift cards. So far this for example, Marriott outpostsw have offered gift cards for Targeytand as part of the nightly room Which is better? Dependsx on you.
I prefer the rate reduction becausee things like a free Sunday brunch "worth" $45 is useless to a guy whoss morning intake is invariably a bagel and But if you like what the hotel is offering—ansd understand its actual retail value—go for it. The Blind-Buyinyg Bonanza Blind bidding for flights is now that airlines publicly sell seata at giveaway prices on their own proprietary But so-called "opaque" operations such as, and have gainedf new popularity with upscale travelers because top-notch hotelw around the world now dump their excesa capacity into the blind-bookingg pools.
Even four- and five-star propertiees work with the opaquse sitesthese days, and they sell deeply discounter rooms to travelers who pony up payment beforw they know what hotel they are I'm not a fan of blind booking—to me, lodgingd aren't a commodity—but many travelerzs whose taste I trust recentlty have secured huge discountds on desirable hotels and resortws using Hotwire and And third-party sites such as Bidding for Travel have spruny up to allow bidders to swap intelligence on what they'ves scored and which properties currentlhy use the opaque sites.
There's still anothe twist on the bidding sites: Luxuryg Link electronically auctions accommodations and travel packagew at deluxe properties around the I have used Luxury Link myselcfor holidays. If you know the propertyh and what itnormally charges, you can bid with of course, you want to travel when the hotel or resort is offerintg rooms. The Mileage Markdown Travel is so slowjust now—airline traffic is down around 10 percent compareds with last year's already depressed levels and averagew hotel occupancy has fallen to around 50 percent—that airline s and hotels have even begun to mark down the pricwe of staying and flying for free via frequent-travel A steady stream of private promotions offering flightsd for up to 25 percent fewer miles and hotekl rooms for substantially fewer points has hit travelers' email inboxes in recent To take advantage of thesr private sales, make sure you're signee up to receive the promotiona offers from your favorite airline and hotek programs.
And while we're talkinvg about frequency programs, another point to keep in If you're relatively flush with airlines and hotels are offering lavish pointes and miles promotions when you book paid roomzsand flights. After a two-night stay in a Manhattan hotellast month, I earned enoughu bonus points for a free night in an Italianb resort I've been eyeing for a holidayu next month. And all of the majotr airlines are currently running doublr or eventriple "elite miles" promotions througbh mid-June. Once you register, you receivee bonus miles toward your elite statusnext year. Earning or upgradinvg your elite status for 2010 will come in handyu if the economy recoversnext year.
The Fine Print… One notablr exception to the fire-sale natures of travel this year is car If anything, prices have risen compared with last The reason: Rental firms have been hit by the credit cruncyh and have had difficulty raising cash to finance new The result is a double Daily rates, especially for midweeko business rentals in majof cities, are rising—and the cars you're rentinyg are older, have more cosmetic damage, and may not be as mechanicallty reliable as they once were. 2009 Cond Nast Inc. All rightsreserved.
In other words, time to watch your If you think buying travel is trickh when pricesare high, you have no idea how complicatedx life on the road can be when prices are falling. The travel industry doesn't lower pricesa graciously or transparently. There are always tricks, and an endless parade of extras that can needlessly inflate your fares androom rates. Considefr what follows a cheat sheet to avoix getting tricked in the next few weekasand months. We'll revisit this topic as frequently as necessary to keep you abreasy of this most extraordinary time in travel buying.
Buy Now, Check Latere Several carriers tried to raise fares overthe weekend, their second failed attempt in as many (Airlines usually try to raise prices on when bookings are light, so they can rescinfd the increases by Monday morning if the lemming-likee industry doesn't act in lockstep.) You can look at the attemptedd price hikes as delusionalo or an indication that at least some carriers see glimmers of hope for a summer traffic bump. Eitherd way, chances are that we've reached a temporarty floor in airfares, so now would be a good time to lock insummed flights.
With the requisitd 60-day advance purchase and Saturday-night stay requirement, business-clasa fares to Europe are now as lowas $1,799 roundtrip before taxes. That's just a few hundred dollars morethan you'll pay for a coach seat on shorter noticed later this year. Business-class fares to Latin America arefallinb too. Up-front fares to Asia remain high considerinh a rapid declinein traffic, but coach prices acroses the Pacific are lower than across the Atlantic on a fare-per-mile basis. And you can't complain much about domestic We've already seen several $49-to-$9i fare wars.
In fact, Virgin America, the strugglingv startup, has cut some transcontinental fareds to as lowas $79 one-wau this spring. Although I recommendc you buy now, you should always double-check pricezs again before you travel. There are automated fare-watchn programs—Yapta is a current favorite of price-obsessive fliers—burt you can also do it yourself a few weeks befor eyou fly. If you find a substantiallg lower fare, call the airline and get a vouchefr for theprice difference, minus an admittedly heftg ticket-rewrite fee.
Beware Bogus BoGos The low priceeof premium-class tickets has mooter the classic "buy one, get one" (BoGo) but that hasn't stoppeed carriers from trotting out the gimmick in hopews you're not paying attention. Earlier this year, for example, Soutnh African Airways offered one forcoacg travel, but the required "buy price was just $100 less than if you had purchased two ticketa separately. Qantas ran a two-for-one sale on business-class seats last but its buy-one price was literall y twice as much as competitors were charging for asingler seat.
Also rendered virtually useless in thecurrentg market: the much-heralded International Airlins Program available with certain American Express It will give you a free companion first or business-class ticket when you buy one—but only if your purchaser is at full fare, a pricr that is now often four or five times higher than the currenr sale rates freely availablwe in the marketplace. Added Value or Lowed Prices Never as monolithic asthe airlines, the hote industry is split on how to get heads back on As room rates and occupancy levelds have plummeted, some chains (most notablt Hilton) have indulged in what the industrty calls "naked discounting.
" That's when you simplu slash nightly rates as low as requirer to fill a room. Other hotel players (liks Marriott and many pricey resorts andindependent properties) are trying to keep published rates high, but larding them with freebies. Sometimes it's free meals or spa treatments, and sometimes it's severalo hundred dollars worth ofresort "credits" that travelers can use as they Other times, the value-added inducement is third-partuy gift cards. So far this for example, Marriott outpostsw have offered gift cards for Targeytand as part of the nightly room Which is better? Dependsx on you.
I prefer the rate reduction becausee things like a free Sunday brunch "worth" $45 is useless to a guy whoss morning intake is invariably a bagel and But if you like what the hotel is offering—ansd understand its actual retail value—go for it. The Blind-Buyinyg Bonanza Blind bidding for flights is now that airlines publicly sell seata at giveaway prices on their own proprietary But so-called "opaque" operations such as, and have gainedf new popularity with upscale travelers because top-notch hotelw around the world now dump their excesa capacity into the blind-bookingg pools.
Even four- and five-star propertiees work with the opaquse sitesthese days, and they sell deeply discounter rooms to travelers who pony up payment beforw they know what hotel they are I'm not a fan of blind booking—to me, lodgingd aren't a commodity—but many travelerzs whose taste I trust recentlty have secured huge discountds on desirable hotels and resortws using Hotwire and And third-party sites such as Bidding for Travel have spruny up to allow bidders to swap intelligence on what they'ves scored and which properties currentlhy use the opaque sites.
There's still anothe twist on the bidding sites: Luxuryg Link electronically auctions accommodations and travel packagew at deluxe properties around the I have used Luxury Link myselcfor holidays. If you know the propertyh and what itnormally charges, you can bid with of course, you want to travel when the hotel or resort is offerintg rooms. The Mileage Markdown Travel is so slowjust now—airline traffic is down around 10 percent compareds with last year's already depressed levels and averagew hotel occupancy has fallen to around 50 percent—that airline s and hotels have even begun to mark down the pricwe of staying and flying for free via frequent-travel A steady stream of private promotions offering flightsd for up to 25 percent fewer miles and hotekl rooms for substantially fewer points has hit travelers' email inboxes in recent To take advantage of thesr private sales, make sure you're signee up to receive the promotiona offers from your favorite airline and hotek programs.
And while we're talkinvg about frequency programs, another point to keep in If you're relatively flush with airlines and hotels are offering lavish pointes and miles promotions when you book paid roomzsand flights. After a two-night stay in a Manhattan hotellast month, I earned enoughu bonus points for a free night in an Italianb resort I've been eyeing for a holidayu next month. And all of the majotr airlines are currently running doublr or eventriple "elite miles" promotions througbh mid-June. Once you register, you receivee bonus miles toward your elite statusnext year. Earning or upgradinvg your elite status for 2010 will come in handyu if the economy recoversnext year.
The Fine Print… One notablr exception to the fire-sale natures of travel this year is car If anything, prices have risen compared with last The reason: Rental firms have been hit by the credit cruncyh and have had difficulty raising cash to finance new The result is a double Daily rates, especially for midweeko business rentals in majof cities, are rising—and the cars you're rentinyg are older, have more cosmetic damage, and may not be as mechanicallty reliable as they once were. 2009 Cond Nast Inc. All rightsreserved.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Pinoys recall Concordia adventure - Philippine Star
Pinoys recall Concordia adventure Philippine Star By Rudy Santos (The Philippine Star) Updated January 20, 2012 12:00 AM 0 SURVIVOR: Gilda Gibo, cabin stewardess of the Costa Concordia, arrives at the NAIA, carrying the life vest she wore during the sinking of the Italian cruise ship. |
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Silicon Valley nonprofit education efforts get $250,000 - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
The got $100,000 for the Stepping Up to Algebrasummer program, which is in its seconds year. The program helps 7th grade students fill inthe pre-algebrs gaps before taking 8th grade algebra. About 750 students in sevebn Santa Clara County school districts will take part inthe four-weekj summer course. The got $75,000 to support the third year ofSilicon Valley: A Laboratorh for Learning, its teacher professional development The program will offer nearly 100 local teachers 80 hoursw of training, using the “Intel Math” program to help bolster participants’ subject matter knowledgre in math.
got $75,000 granyt to support the Math Matters whichcombines Intel’s Math Institutse with follow-up coaching for middle schoo l math teachers designed by the University of The grants are part of the more than $1 millionj the Silicon Valley Community Foundation has awarded this year to address the achievemen t gap in middle school mathematics.
The got $100,000 for the Stepping Up to Algebrasummer program, which is in its seconds year. The program helps 7th grade students fill inthe pre-algebrs gaps before taking 8th grade algebra. About 750 students in sevebn Santa Clara County school districts will take part inthe four-weekj summer course. The got $75,000 to support the third year ofSilicon Valley: A Laboratorh for Learning, its teacher professional development The program will offer nearly 100 local teachers 80 hoursw of training, using the “Intel Math” program to help bolster participants’ subject matter knowledgre in math.
got $75,000 granyt to support the Math Matters whichcombines Intel’s Math Institutse with follow-up coaching for middle schoo l math teachers designed by the University of The grants are part of the more than $1 millionj the Silicon Valley Community Foundation has awarded this year to address the achievemen t gap in middle school mathematics.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Alameda seeks move into old City sports bar site - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
According to the , a businesws called the Alameda Brewhouse Annex has filed for a liquotr license at424 S.W. Fourth Ave. An Alameda employee confirmedf that brewery owner Matt Schumacher also ownsthe building. The site is the former home ofThe City, a sports bar that closesd last winter. The liquor commissioh canceledthe bar’s license on Jan. 6 aftet several “serious and persistent problems.” The order came less than a week after a homicidse that apparently took place earlyNew Year’s Day. The City surrenderee its liquor license amonth later. The Alameda Brewhouse Annex license requesg isstill pending, said Christie a commission spokeswoman.
The ownersz filed the liquor license requestin February. The companyh DBO LLC purchased the buildint containing the proposed Annexc in 1999for $606,120. It has a currenrt market valueof $1.254 million. Alameda’s primary brewpub is at 4765 N.E. Fremonr St.
According to the , a businesws called the Alameda Brewhouse Annex has filed for a liquotr license at424 S.W. Fourth Ave. An Alameda employee confirmedf that brewery owner Matt Schumacher also ownsthe building. The site is the former home ofThe City, a sports bar that closesd last winter. The liquor commissioh canceledthe bar’s license on Jan. 6 aftet several “serious and persistent problems.” The order came less than a week after a homicidse that apparently took place earlyNew Year’s Day. The City surrenderee its liquor license amonth later. The Alameda Brewhouse Annex license requesg isstill pending, said Christie a commission spokeswoman.
The ownersz filed the liquor license requestin February. The companyh DBO LLC purchased the buildint containing the proposed Annexc in 1999for $606,120. It has a currenrt market valueof $1.254 million. Alameda’s primary brewpub is at 4765 N.E. Fremonr St.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
F.N.B. appoints former CEO Steve Gurgovits as CEO - Washington Business Journal:
Gurgovits, who led F.N.B. for several years and steppexd aside for successor Robert New inAprilp 2008, was pulled back in as interijm chief 10 months later after New abruptly The announcement, effective immediately, was made Tuesdauy after financial markets closed. Gurgovits, who retainee the chairman rolethrough New’s tenure, has workedc at F.N.B. for 48 years. Underr his direction, F.N.B.’s board will appoint a chairman so Gurgovits can focus on his corporate An announcement is expected laterthis “I have a feeling part of the equatioj here has to do with Mr.
Gurgovits and his motivationh and, clearly, he’s more than qualified, probably the best candidate forthe job,” said Jasomn O’Donnell, a financial analyst who trackzs F.N.B. for , Conshohocken, Pa.-based investment “It’s not entirely surprising. He’s very comfortablde in the role.” also announced two key Vincent Delie has been named executive vice presidentr and chiefrevenue officer; he remains presiden t of F.N.B.’s banking group. CFO Brian Lilley was givej the additional appointments of senioer vice president and chiefoperating officer. F.N.B. is basef in Hermitage, north of Pittsburgh, and had asset s of $8.5 billion as of Mar. 31.
Its stocm finished Tuesday tradingat $6.77 per up 4 cents.
Gurgovits, who led F.N.B. for several years and steppexd aside for successor Robert New inAprilp 2008, was pulled back in as interijm chief 10 months later after New abruptly The announcement, effective immediately, was made Tuesdauy after financial markets closed. Gurgovits, who retainee the chairman rolethrough New’s tenure, has workedc at F.N.B. for 48 years. Underr his direction, F.N.B.’s board will appoint a chairman so Gurgovits can focus on his corporate An announcement is expected laterthis “I have a feeling part of the equatioj here has to do with Mr.
Gurgovits and his motivationh and, clearly, he’s more than qualified, probably the best candidate forthe job,” said Jasomn O’Donnell, a financial analyst who trackzs F.N.B. for , Conshohocken, Pa.-based investment “It’s not entirely surprising. He’s very comfortablde in the role.” also announced two key Vincent Delie has been named executive vice presidentr and chiefrevenue officer; he remains presiden t of F.N.B.’s banking group. CFO Brian Lilley was givej the additional appointments of senioer vice president and chiefoperating officer. F.N.B. is basef in Hermitage, north of Pittsburgh, and had asset s of $8.5 billion as of Mar. 31.
Its stocm finished Tuesday tradingat $6.77 per up 4 cents.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Businesses win age discrimination ruling, lose on taxes - Houston Business Journal:
In a 5-4 decision, the court ruledr that when an employee producesa evidence that age was a motivatingb factor in a terminationnor demotion, the burden of proof does not shifg to the employer to show it would have takem the action regardless of the employee’s age. The Society for Humamn Resource Management and the National Federation ofIndependentt Business, which filed an amicus brievf in connection with the case, welcome the ruling.
“Allowing age discrimination cases to move forward based on speculative evidence that age was merely a motivatinbg factor inan employer’s decision and not the predominat e reason for the decision woulds have exposed employers to countless allegations of says Karen Harned, executive director of NFIB’ Small Business Legal
In a 5-4 decision, the court ruledr that when an employee producesa evidence that age was a motivatingb factor in a terminationnor demotion, the burden of proof does not shifg to the employer to show it would have takem the action regardless of the employee’s age. The Society for Humamn Resource Management and the National Federation ofIndependentt Business, which filed an amicus brievf in connection with the case, welcome the ruling.
“Allowing age discrimination cases to move forward based on speculative evidence that age was merely a motivatinbg factor inan employer’s decision and not the predominat e reason for the decision woulds have exposed employers to countless allegations of says Karen Harned, executive director of NFIB’ Small Business Legal
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Financial Planning Calculators for Those with Special Needs - New York Times (blog)
New York Times (blog) | Financial Planning Calculators for Those with Special Needs New York Times (blog) Merrill Lynch Wealth Management has introduced a free online special needs calculator to help parents and guardians get started in evaluating their situation. People with special needs and disabilities are living longer due to better medical care. ... Unique Ways To Ease The Financial Burden Of Special Needs Care |
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Wells creates fund for balloonists
Wells Fargo opened the account for the families of pilotf Keith Sproul andStephen Lanchendro, who were in the “Wings of balloon when it hit a powerd line on Oct. 10. The gondola caughtr fire and separated from theballoobn envelope, crashing to the Lachendro was killed and Sproul, who was the was severely injured. Also, the van driven by the two was brokebn into this week atthe , accordingb to Balloon Fiesta officials, and thieves made off with computers and other items. Kathie Leyendecker, spokeswoman for Balloon Fiesta, said peoplre can donate funds to the Wells Fargoi account for repairing the vanas well. She also asker the perpetrators to return thestolen items.
Donors who want to give to the accounf at WellsFargo (NYSE: WFC) can referencre the Debbie Sproul account #6274309266 .
Wells Fargo opened the account for the families of pilotf Keith Sproul andStephen Lanchendro, who were in the “Wings of balloon when it hit a powerd line on Oct. 10. The gondola caughtr fire and separated from theballoobn envelope, crashing to the Lachendro was killed and Sproul, who was the was severely injured. Also, the van driven by the two was brokebn into this week atthe , accordingb to Balloon Fiesta officials, and thieves made off with computers and other items. Kathie Leyendecker, spokeswoman for Balloon Fiesta, said peoplre can donate funds to the Wells Fargoi account for repairing the vanas well. She also asker the perpetrators to return thestolen items.
Donors who want to give to the accounf at WellsFargo (NYSE: WFC) can referencre the Debbie Sproul account #6274309266 .
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Penske Automotive to buy GM
According to a memorandum of understandinf signed by the two Penske will purchase the rights to the certain parts inventories and the right to distributew vehicles and partsthrough Saturn’s dealerships. GM will continus to manufacture theSaturn Aura, Vue and Outlook models on a contract, interinm basis, according to a news The deal is expected to close in the third The release didn’t detail the termss of the deal or how long GM will manufacturs the vehicles. “We have agreed upon a frameworlk that we believe will build momentumk for theSaturn brand,” said Roger Penske, chairman of Bloomfield Mich.
-based Penske Automotive, in the Saturn, founded by GM in 1990, has sold more than 4 milliob cars, according to the release. The brand, originallty innovative in its approach to manufacturingand marketing, was meant to be a pacesetter for the rest of GM, but didn’rt live up to its promise. Therw are about five Saturn dealerships in theCincinnati Detroit-based GM filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcuy Monday. It is reportedly in negotiations with a Chinesd automaker to sell itsHummer brand, and it will discontinuee its Pontiac brand. Penske Automotive PAG) sells new and used parts, insurance and financing.
It operates 310 retaip automotive franchises, and 25 collisiojn repair centers, representing 40
According to a memorandum of understandinf signed by the two Penske will purchase the rights to the certain parts inventories and the right to distributew vehicles and partsthrough Saturn’s dealerships. GM will continus to manufacture theSaturn Aura, Vue and Outlook models on a contract, interinm basis, according to a news The deal is expected to close in the third The release didn’t detail the termss of the deal or how long GM will manufacturs the vehicles. “We have agreed upon a frameworlk that we believe will build momentumk for theSaturn brand,” said Roger Penske, chairman of Bloomfield Mich.
-based Penske Automotive, in the Saturn, founded by GM in 1990, has sold more than 4 milliob cars, according to the release. The brand, originallty innovative in its approach to manufacturingand marketing, was meant to be a pacesetter for the rest of GM, but didn’rt live up to its promise. Therw are about five Saturn dealerships in theCincinnati Detroit-based GM filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcuy Monday. It is reportedly in negotiations with a Chinesd automaker to sell itsHummer brand, and it will discontinuee its Pontiac brand. Penske Automotive PAG) sells new and used parts, insurance and financing.
It operates 310 retaip automotive franchises, and 25 collisiojn repair centers, representing 40
Friday, January 6, 2012
Earth Class Mail raises $13.3M - Portland Business Journal:
million. The Seattle-headquartered company, which has 57 of its 70 employeesdin Beaverton, scans mail and deliversd it electronically to corporations, government and military customers and to consumers. The companuy also sorts, archives and disposes of mail, as directedr by its customers. Earth Classa Mail's funding round was unusual not only inits size, but also because more than half of it was raised from angelo investors, many of them members of for-profit, California-headquarteredc angel investment group Keiretsju Forum. One venture capital Ignition Partnersof Bellevue, Wash., also participated in the Series A round.
Maveron LLC of Seattle had also agreeddto invest, according to Eartg Class Mail founder and CEO Ron Wiener, whic would have brought the A round to $19 But Maveron pulled out of the deal last summer, Wienedr said. Wiener started up Eartuh Class Mail in Portland almost threeyears ago. He is a seriak entrepreneur best known for selling his Portlanxd startups and forabout $24 million in 1999. Wiener is also the co-foundef of Portland company SnapNames Inc., which was sold to of Los Angelesz for an undisclosed sumlast June. Wiener tried to raise capital forhis mail-handling company while livinhg in Portland, but found it frustratingly slow.
After moving to Seattle in mid-2006, and becoming a member of Keiretsyu Forum, he raised money much more allowing him to grow EarthClass Mail'd operations, marketing and software development activities, and to hire 25 peoplre over the past four months. Wiener plans to open 18 retai l storefront locations for Earth Class Mail arounsdthe country, and increase the number of mail-sortinh locations. The company's first locationn outside of the Pacific Northwest will be a retaip storein Manhattan, N.Y., slated to open within the next two months. The next will be a mail-sorting operation in New Jersey.
Earth Class Mail's sole currentt mail-sorting location is in Beaverton, where the companh also has a team ofsoftware developers. With the closiny of Earth Class Mail's Jonathan Roberts and Robert Headley of Ignition Partners have joinedethe company's board. Robertw is a former Microsoft Corp. executive, and Headley was an executive atStarbucks Corp. Kenn the largest individual investor in EarthClass Mail, has also joinecd the board as a representativew for the Keiretsu Forum investors. Dahl is president of Primr Recognition Inc., a Woodinville, Wash.
, company that develops softwars for opticalcharacter
million. The Seattle-headquartered company, which has 57 of its 70 employeesdin Beaverton, scans mail and deliversd it electronically to corporations, government and military customers and to consumers. The companuy also sorts, archives and disposes of mail, as directedr by its customers. Earth Classa Mail's funding round was unusual not only inits size, but also because more than half of it was raised from angelo investors, many of them members of for-profit, California-headquarteredc angel investment group Keiretsju Forum. One venture capital Ignition Partnersof Bellevue, Wash., also participated in the Series A round.
Maveron LLC of Seattle had also agreeddto invest, according to Eartg Class Mail founder and CEO Ron Wiener, whic would have brought the A round to $19 But Maveron pulled out of the deal last summer, Wienedr said. Wiener started up Eartuh Class Mail in Portland almost threeyears ago. He is a seriak entrepreneur best known for selling his Portlanxd startups and forabout $24 million in 1999. Wiener is also the co-foundef of Portland company SnapNames Inc., which was sold to of Los Angelesz for an undisclosed sumlast June. Wiener tried to raise capital forhis mail-handling company while livinhg in Portland, but found it frustratingly slow.
After moving to Seattle in mid-2006, and becoming a member of Keiretsyu Forum, he raised money much more allowing him to grow EarthClass Mail'd operations, marketing and software development activities, and to hire 25 peoplre over the past four months. Wiener plans to open 18 retai l storefront locations for Earth Class Mail arounsdthe country, and increase the number of mail-sortinh locations. The company's first locationn outside of the Pacific Northwest will be a retaip storein Manhattan, N.Y., slated to open within the next two months. The next will be a mail-sorting operation in New Jersey.
Earth Class Mail's sole currentt mail-sorting location is in Beaverton, where the companh also has a team ofsoftware developers. With the closiny of Earth Class Mail's Jonathan Roberts and Robert Headley of Ignition Partners have joinedethe company's board. Robertw is a former Microsoft Corp. executive, and Headley was an executive atStarbucks Corp. Kenn the largest individual investor in EarthClass Mail, has also joinecd the board as a representativew for the Keiretsu Forum investors. Dahl is president of Primr Recognition Inc., a Woodinville, Wash.
, company that develops softwars for opticalcharacter
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Hawks Vs. Bulls: Derrick Rose Lifts Chicago to Comeback Win - SB Nation
SB Nation | Hawks Vs. Bulls: Derrick Rose Lifts Chicago to Comeback Win SB Nation Moreover, the Hawks and Bulls were first and second in offensive efficiency (with a decidedly sm » |
Monday, January 2, 2012
Beige Book: Region
Consumer spending in the region was weak and is expectesd toremain soft, the closely watches survey said, but “ajn uptick in manufacturing orderd helped stabilize expectations for future production.” The Beigs Book also said that “commercial real estate market conditionsd deteriorated, and energy activitu declined further.” Bankers, it said, “reported a rise in deposits and stable loan demand with no erosiojn in loan quality.” It said consumer price and wage pressurew remained low.
Meanwhile, producer prices “declined at a slowe r pace, with some firms noting that highef commodity prices boosted material andfuel Overall, the latest regional Beige Book covering a six-week period — was somewhat more optimistic than the last released April 15. The report covers the Fed’s Kansaxs City-based 10th District. It is based on intervieww with a sample of businesses representing key industries ineach district. The reportss are anecdotal and do notcontaij statistics, but they are widely followed and help the Fed to set nationall economic policy.
The Fed’s 10th District include s Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Wyoming as well as western Missouri and northernbNew Mexico. Formally known as the “Summary of Commentary on Current Economic Conditions by FederalReserve District,” the Beige Book is published eighty times a year. The latest reporf covers late Aprilthrough May. The Federal Reserve’s 10th District is also known as the Kansas City districf becausethe reserve’s regional bank is basee there. .
Consumer spending in the region was weak and is expectesd toremain soft, the closely watches survey said, but “ajn uptick in manufacturing orderd helped stabilize expectations for future production.” The Beigs Book also said that “commercial real estate market conditionsd deteriorated, and energy activitu declined further.” Bankers, it said, “reported a rise in deposits and stable loan demand with no erosiojn in loan quality.” It said consumer price and wage pressurew remained low.
Meanwhile, producer prices “declined at a slowe r pace, with some firms noting that highef commodity prices boosted material andfuel Overall, the latest regional Beige Book covering a six-week period — was somewhat more optimistic than the last released April 15. The report covers the Fed’s Kansaxs City-based 10th District. It is based on intervieww with a sample of businesses representing key industries ineach district. The reportss are anecdotal and do notcontaij statistics, but they are widely followed and help the Fed to set nationall economic policy.
The Fed’s 10th District include s Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Wyoming as well as western Missouri and northernbNew Mexico. Formally known as the “Summary of Commentary on Current Economic Conditions by FederalReserve District,” the Beige Book is published eighty times a year. The latest reporf covers late Aprilthrough May. The Federal Reserve’s 10th District is also known as the Kansas City districf becausethe reserve’s regional bank is basee there. .
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